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Tax code AA does not exist for the Jurisdiction code

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Dear Friends,

For Billing Document 1001, i a getting the error "Tax code AA does not exist for the Jurisdiction code"

Previously Billing Document 1000, does not have this error, Tax code and Jurisdiction code has not picked up in accounting document, so there was no error.

All are settings are perfect in production system, Why the tax code is picked up now?

Please suggest



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Hello sridhar.muthekepalli3

There can be multiple reasons for this. Please check the below:

1) Please check if the customer for billing 1000 and 1001 is same. If yes, check if you use an external system or an internal system for tax rate determination and if there has been change in the customer master for city, region and country. Ideally, the jurisdiction code should get determined and than based on the same, a tax rate should be called up in the billing document and passed on to UTXJ. If the customer master is different than you need to check, the master data set up as already explained earlier

2) Check if you are using external system for tax rate determination, if the RFC to the external system is online or offline

3) If the tax rate has been maintained in the tax code AA

Thanks & Regards

Sanil Bhandari

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

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If you confirm that till billing document 1000, this issue was not coming and only during 1001, it is coming, the only possibility could be some TR related changes to that tax code is moved to PRD. Also, it could be that you would have maintained the tax code but the tax rate has not been maintained, in which case, system will trigger this error message.

Please compare the previous generated billing document which was posted successfully with the one which is causing issue.