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Subcontracting process

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hi gurus

Can I treat as a single item code or Two different item code

when i am sending X material for painting to subcontractor with paint or without paint(paint subcontractors scope)


Sending as X &

Receiving as X OR Y



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Can u tell me, through which report i will get total purchase value done by perticular purchasing organisation or plant



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Hi Rakesh ,

As the valuation of materail gets changed so u can address with split valuation concept Ref Link:


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1.create the main material 2.create the vendor3.create info record with info catergory -- subcontracting.

4.create the BOM Tx code CS01 5.Assign the BOM to main material.

6.create the subcontracting PO with itemcategory L,there is no BOM, u have to click the components manually tab.

7.issue the raw material to subcontractor txcode MB1B with movement Type 541,after this u can the stock in subcontractor site go to txcode me2o

8.Crearte the GR in txcode MIGO with mtype101,system will display 543 automatically that is consuption account.

9.once the GR is done 6 accounting Doc will be generated.

Edited by: prasad medarametla on Jul 24, 2008 12:50 PM

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In case if you want to incure the costs of the subcontractor and paint charges on the material then you have to treat this has Y material.

You can send the X material to the subcontractor and recieve the Y material from him.(Paint material is been taken care by the subcontractor)

Thanks & Regards,


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Since painted and not-painted parts represents two different state, you should use different part codes for them.

X - not-painted

Y - painted

Create a BOM where header is Y, children part is X > create info record (subcon! with subcon fee), source list > create subcon (L) PO > send X to sc vendor MB1B + 541 with or w/o PO reference / or use ME2O > do GR in MIGO for Y (mvt 101) and X will be consumed via mvt 543.



Yes, if paint is involved you can create an alternative BOM for this purpose, and use production version C223 > follow Pankaj Singh instructions.

Edited by: Csaba Szommer on Jul 24, 2008 12:36 PM

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Create following Material codes;

X - Material

P - Paint

Y - Painted Material

Create 2 Alternative BOMs for Material Y

Alternative BOM 1:

Y will contain X and P both

Alternative BOM 2:

Y will contain only X

When you will provide Paint (P) along with material (X) then use use Alt BOM 1 and when Subcontractor is using Paint (P) then use Alt BOM 2 in Subcontracting PO.

if you do not want to use concept of Alternative BOM then create BOM 1 only and delete line item of Paint (P) in ME21N (PO), under "Components" Tab

To determine Alternative BOM in PO, create Production Version in C223 for both Alternative BOMs.

In ME11 (Purchase inforecord for Subcontracting), assign Production Version having Alternative BOM 2, system will propose always Alternative BOM 2 in PO, if you want to change it, click on "Determine Components" button in PO and select the version reqrd.