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Storage BIN is blank when I print the Picklist from MB26

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Hello Every one,

I am trying to Print the Pick List from MB26 and in the menu when I go to List->Print I see storage bin is blank , can I know how can we fill storage BIn ? any place were can add piece of code ?

Can any one answer in detail if they have tried it.

Thank you,

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Hello rohithkk

As per the note 202240 - Transaction MB26: Storage bin is not supplied MB26 reads storage bins from MARD-LGPBE. You need to maintain the bin in the material master view "Plant data / stor. 1":

The note will bring MARD-LGPE storage bin to MB26 screen. MB26 printing is implemented with quite convoluted way. MB26 call GM_LIST report in background with an option to print immediately. GM_LIST is another ALV report. So in order to bring MARD-LGPE storage bin to the print out a default ALV variant for GM_LIST needs to be defined. You may proceeded as follows:

Put a break-point in GM_LIST report, form CALL_LISTVIEWER:

FORM call_listviewer.

  DATA l_repid LIKE sy-repid.

  l_repid = sy-repid.

            i_callback_program          = l_repid
            i_structure_name            = 'COWB_COMP'
            is_layout                   = g_layout
            it_fieldcat                 = g_fieldcat
            i_default                   = 'X'
            i_save                      = 'A'
            is_variant                  = g_variant
            it_events                   = gt_events[]
            is_print                    = g_print
            t_outtab                    = g_comp_tab
            program_error               = 1
            OTHERS                      = 2.

  IF sy-subrc <> 0.

ENDFORM.                    " CALL_LISTVIEWER

Execute MB26 and print the list. The execution will stop in the CALL_LISTVIEWER form. Clear the G_PRINT-PRINT field and continue the execution. That will display GM_LIST ALV list.

Define default ALV variant for GM_LIST bringing storage bin field to the display. Be careful, there are at list three different storage bin fields in the report, so make sure to choose the correct one. Save the variant.

Remove the break point.

Execute the BALVBUFDEL report to clear ALV buffers.

Run MB26 and enjoy MARD-LGPE storage bin field in the printout.

I've tested that and it works.

Best regards

Dominik Tylczynski

Thanks for the response, I see Storage BIN is maintained in Material Master view "Plant data / Stor. 1", ( MARD-LGPBE ) is filled

but still when I go Print Picklist storage BIN is blank

any other solutions to this ??

Thanks in advance

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rohithkk have you check the note?

0 Kudos

Yes I have checked the note which was release on 06.06.2000 and It says cannot be implemented.

Any other way to over come this ?? or any different note ?

Active Contributor
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rohithkk See my updated answer.

0 Kudos

Thank you Dominik Tylczynski

Can you please be more detail, I kept the breakpoint and added storage BIN in table g_comp_tab.

This worked and displayed storage BIN in MB26 ?
How do I achieve this in code ? any place of BADI ? or enhancement

Active Contributor

rohithkk Ok, let's take it step by step.

First, you need to make sure that storage bins are displayed in MB26. To do that you need to implement the note 202240 - Transaction MB26: Storage bin is not supplied if it's not already in your system. Then you need to maintain storage bins in material master data.

Second, you need to bring the storage bin to MB26 print out. MB26 printing is implemented with a call to MB_LIST report in background. MB_LIST is another ALV report. So you need to define default ALV variant for MB_LIST with the storage bin field visible. I've explained all the steps that I've used to define the variant in my answer. You don'y need to add any components to g_comp_tab. All the required data is already there. What is missing is a default ALV variant for MB_LIST.

I can not get any more detailed than that.

Good luck

Dominik Tylczynski

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