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Stock Type unrestricted in Stock Transfer Order and Goods Receipt with Mvt. Type -101

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Hi Gurus,

Below is the case:

I have assigned and activated 08 inspection type in materiel master for stock transfer order inspection. with this settings scenario is working correctly (Inspection lot is generated and stock is going under Quality).

But issue is that in PO (STO - UB) and Goods Receipt (101) against Delivery, stock type is showing Unrestricted use instead of Quality Inspection.

I have checked all the settings and inspection origin in mvt. type 101 for STO which is 08.

I am not getting the exact reason for this.

Please tell me why it is happening? Any settings need to do for this?

Thanks in Advance!

Vivek Bhojak

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You cannot ship material that is in quality inspection, SAP only allows to ship unrestricted use stock


OSS Note 496992 - Goods issue for delivery: Stock type

OSS Note 547277 - FAQ: Requirements in SD and in the delivery

The purchase order will only have the "post to quality inspection" if you have not activated QM

see this OSS note for full details 2007692 - Incorrect stock type on stock transfer order type UB

And for UB orders for 2 step transfer there is technically only 1 field for in-transit stock MARC-TRAME, hence you cannot differentiate unrestricted stock from blocked stock or QI stock. So the design demands to only have unrestricted use stock in transit