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Step By Step Output n Text Determination

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Hi ,

Can anybody kindly tell me step by step process to configure the ouput and text determinations?

Points for sure

Thanks in Advance

Rama Chandra

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<a href="http://">OUTPUT DETERMINATION</a>

Please find the Detailed Note on Text Determination.

1) T-code VOTXN, for the text object Customer>Sales and distribution>click the Text types-->create your 4 digit Text ID

2) Come back to initial screen of this t-code and again select the text object Customer-->Sales and distribution and click change. Select the text procedure and double click on the Text IDs in text procedure. Here you create a new sequence and select the 4 digit Text ID you have created initially.

3) Assign the Text procedure which you have selected in step2 and double click on Text procedure assignment .Here you assign the Text ID to the Customer Accout group.

4) In the customer master, sales area tab>Extras menu>text, Select the text which you have created now and enter text into it. And save.

The text which you have created now ,can be used for multiple purpose(Ex. sales order,delivery,billing,pricing,inforecords,legal). for example in this case, You just want to display this text during sales order processing, then proceed as follows,

5)T-code VOTXN ,for the text object Sales document>Header>click the Text types-->create your 4 digit Text ID.

6) Come back to initial screen of this t-code and again select the text object Sales document-->Header and click change. Select the access sequence and create new access sequence(This access sequence is similar to that of in Pricing).Select this access sequence and double click the access sequence for text ids.Here in the first column this is Serial no. second column is text object(This is the area from which text has to be refer. In our case we have created the customer Text object for sales and distribution area, so i.e.KNVV) and the next column is Text id, this is the id which we have created at customer text object for sales and distribution initialy, at step 1). The next column is partner function, it will identify for which partner this text has defined. Next 2columns are Languages (if you want to define for all language or specified language), next column is for specified language for partner function. if you have any requirement to be fulfilled you can create those requirements in the next columns or else leave blank, save and come back to text

7) Select the text procedure (for ex.01-Sales header) and double click on the Text IDs in text procedure. Create new entries Fill in the sequence and the text id which we have created for sales document-header(in step 5).There is a small check box in the 3rd column which is used whether the text should be referred or copied(this is used if you want to modify the text during the sales order processing or just display the original text as it is),next column is whether the text should be displayed while creating or it is not obligatory, last column is access s sequce,this is nothing but the sequence which we have created in step 6) and save.

😎 in the final step assign the text procedure id to the particular sales order.

As already we have created the customer text in the customer master record, so during the processing the sales order, the text should be displayed once the customer number is keyed in.

Apart from Above please find some more stuff below:

Text Determination Procedure steps

1.spro, SD, basic functions, text control, define text types.

There select the text object (Customer) and select the area (Ex: Sales and distribution) and click on Change. There u define Ur own Text determination procedure .Here u can maintain whether the text is obligatory or not

2. Assign the Text determination Procedure (Assign it to account group in case of Maintaining Text information at the customer).

3. Maintain the Text information (Ex: In customer master, go to sales area data, in the extra click on Texts and maintain the text information there).

For further information on Text determination refer to

Text also uses the same condition technique used by pricing.

A condition type = Text id in text determination


Create a text id for sales doc Header/item based on ur requirement

Assign the text id to text procedure.

Now the text id will appear in the Texts tab of the sales order item. Here you can go, select the text id and manually enter the text there and save the document.

You can also update texts automatically in the sales order by creating access sequences and maintaining master data for texts. But I am little unclear about access sequence and master data as it is different from access sequence creation for pricing procedure or outputs.

Answers (5)

Answers (5)

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Thanks for everybody's time

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Hi Rama,

Output Determination

Output is a form of media from a business to one of its business partners. The possible media forms

are printouts, faxes, telexes, e-mails, and electronicdata interchange (EDI). The output can be sent to any of the partners defined in the document.

Outputs are usually in the form of order confirmations, delivery notes, invoices, and shipping


Menu Path

The menu path here is IMG, Sales and distribution, Basic functions, Output, Output determination.

An output type is simply a type of output and it contains all the control features for the output.

For example, it defines the kind of output (order confirmation, invoice, and so on), which business

transaction it applies to, which business partner receives the output, how the output is sent (the

media), and the print program and SAPScript layout to use in formatting the output. The output type

is thus the central component of the output determination.

Output determination can be maintained as originating from the customer master record or as

originating by using the condition technique. It is advisable to use the condition technique for the

process of output determination, as this will enable greater flexibility than by using the customer

master record as the source.



Define Output determnation for Billing


1)first you need to maintain the condition tables

2) maintain access sequence in that you maintain the conditiopn tables

3)Maintain the out put types and uin that you need to assigm the forms for taking the print out after that the above access sequence has to maintain in the condition types with certain settings

4) Assign out put condition types to Partner functions

5)Define the output procedure in that you maintain the Condition types

6) Assign the Output procedure to Billing types

If you have any clarifications let me know or

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Post your mail ID,I will sent some material.



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Thank You Ayub Khan for your is my email

I am confused to whom i should give the points.Everybody contributed well.But for the people who responded first i will give the points.For the rest of people many many thanks


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Output Determination

Output is a form of media from a business to one of its business partners. The possible media forms are printouts, faxes, telexes, e-mails, and EDI. The output can be sent to any of the partners defined in the document. Outputs are usually in the form of order confirmations, delivery notes, invoices, and shipping notifications.

IMG&#61664;SD&#61664;Basic fncs&#61664;Output&#61664;Output determination

An output type is simply a type of output and it contains all the control features for the output. For ex, it defines the kind of output, which business transaction it applies to, which business partner receives the output, how the output is sent (the media), and the print program and SAP Script layout to use in formatting the output.

Output determination can be maintained as originating from the customer master record or as originating by using the condition technique.

Output proposal from the customer master record

IMG&#61664;SD&#61664;Basic fncs&#61664;Output&#61664;Output determination&#61664;Output proposal from the customer master record, Define output

In this option one creates output types, such as BA00 (order confirmation). After creating the output type, one assigns the output type to an output procedure, such as DB0001. After the assignment of the output types to the procedure, the output procedure is then assigned to the customer account group. This is a simple procedure and results in the output that is placed on the customer master record being copied into the sales document.


Rajesh Banka

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Text Determination procedure for sales document header:

text can be determined at sales document header level or it can be imported from customer master.SAP uses condition technique to determine text

Define TExt types:

Path: Imgsales and distributionbasic functionstext controldefine text types

select sales document header

click on text types

go to new entires and define text types.Ex: Y1

Define Access sequence:

select sales document header

click on change icon

click on access sequence control button under dialog structure

go to new entries and define access sequence number with description.Ex: 55

save it and exit

Define text determination procedure:

go to new entries

define text determination procedure.Ex: YT save it and exit

Assign text id's to text determination procedure:

select your text determination procedure(YT)

click on text id's in text procedure control button under dialog structure

go to new entries and maintain entries

TExt id:assign text id (Y1) that we defined in the previous step

Specify sequence No-10

Check Reference: this indicator specify that the text is reference or copies from preceding object

TExt in obligatory: text will be displayed during copying. the value of this field specifies whether text is obligatory or not and if it is obligatory the how it is to be displayed

TExt determination Procedure:

Path:ImgSales and DistributionBasic functionstext controldefine text types

select customer/sales and distribution

click on text types

go to new entries and define text type EX:Z1 and save it

Define TExt Determination Procedure:

Select customer /Sales and distribution

click on change

go to new entries

define text determination procedure.Ex: Z1

assign text type to text determinatino procedure

select your text determination procedure

click on TExt id's in text procedure control button under dialog structure

go to new entries and specify your text id.Ex: Z1 and sequence number

Save it and go back

Assign Text determination procedure to customer account group

select your text determination procedure

click on text procedure assignment under dialog structure

choose account group 0001 and assign your text determination procedure.Ex:z1

Save it

go to XD02 or XD01 sales area data section


specify language EN

description and specify the text

save it and exit

click on communication

specify print immediately

click release after ouput and save it

go to VA01 and raise the sales order

go to extras,output,header,edit

specify your output type Y01

medium printout

partner function SP


click on communication method

logical destination LP01

check output immediately

check after ouput

Save it

go to VA02

go to extras, output header,print preview and check the ouput

pls reward points if the answer is helpful

