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Former Member
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Hi Gurus

My requirement is as follows

1) This is with serial number concept

2) The production schedule for FG will be given with serial number at intial stage itself every day

3) There are 2 subassemblies required for FG ie) Eg.A and B

4) The above 2 subassemblies were identified with same serial number XXX

5) The subassemblies with Same Serial Numbers A and B only assembled for engineerig purpose

5) I want to monitor the stauts of a) Is schedule has released to shop floor b) Sub assy A with Serial number completed c) Sub assy B with Serial number completed etc d) Is the Final assembly FG completed

6) As the sub assy production process takes long time ie) 1 week it is needed what is the subassy status individually by A and B

At present the client is in Production Order , Interested in going Repetitive, if the solution available in Repetitive it is appreciated

I will clarify in detail if any questions pl


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Former Member
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The process steps are quite simple:

1) You create the Serial number profile as explained earlier.

2) In the work scheduling view enter the above profile.

3) For REM when you perform the Goods Receipt you would be entering the serial number.

I am not sure why you are not able to see the Tick mark in ECC 6. I'll confirm once I check the system.



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Your scenario is possible using REM also. The serial number profile defined should have the procedure PPSF (for REM). Also in OIS2 tick the check box ExtReqmt if serial numbers are to be created before prodn. You could have external number ranges activated.

You could track the Serial numbers generated for a material with IQ09 transaction.

Once the serial comes into stock the System status will be AVLB (available). So you could track the prod status of these serial numbers at Sub assembly and assembly stages.

Hope this helps



Former Member
0 Kudos

thanks for your answer

i will clarify with you if any further


Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Ramanujam

Need some clarification from your answer

Your scenario is possible using REM also. The serial number profile defined should have the procedure PPSF (for REM). Also in OIS2 tick the check box ExtReqmt if serial numbers are to be created before prodn. You could have external number ranges activated.

<i>I could see procedure PPSF in OSI2 but unable to see the tick mark area ECC6.0</i>

You could track the Serial numbers generated for a material with IQ09 transaction.

Once the serial comes into stock the System status will be AVLB (available). So you could track the prod status of these serial numbers at Sub assembly and assembly stages.

<i>some extend understood</i>

<i>could you please reply with some details with intro to serial numbers business process flow step by step T codes etc</i>

