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Standard Cost recalculate during invoice

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Hello Experts,

We have a pricing condition with % for calculating the price of Material as Cost + Markup.
The issue which we have is, those Orders created during year end mostly remains open until next year.
In the new year we have to run Cost roll, so the standard cost will get changed. When Standard cost changed, those open Orders while invoicing the Cost+Markup price get changed since SAP billing always recalculating the this Cost+Markup %. We set Copy control for Item Category as D (Copy pricing elements unchanged), but still it recalculate the value during billing. Any idea this can be fixed using standard config or we must go for enhancement.

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for a detailed description which condition types are getting recalculated please check this note
24832 - Preisfindungsregeln (KNPRS) / TVCPA / TVCPF - SAP for Me

If you cant find a suitable standard one, please create your own, for example X and use it in copy control.


Kind regards


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Thank you for the response, I will proceed on this.