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SPecial Procurement With Configurable material

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Hello Gurus,

Can you suggest a solution for this scenario..

Plant A  is the Ordering plant which gets Cus Orders , Plant B is the manufacturing plant which recevs the requirement and sends FG to A

This is a tycpical STock transfer scenario basesd on Spec Proc key .  The most challenging part here is that in Plant A the FG is actually a configurable material . The SO will be created with the required BOM configuration as per Cus requirement .   But the Manufacturing Plant B does not have Configurable materials concept. so what can be the possible solution  .It will only assemble the parst based on the requirement from Plant A .

(a) Every Config material  in Plant A shud have corresponding no of BOMS (for every variant) in Plant B .  However it is not simple to do so.And also how do we relate the the Material in Plant A to Material in Plant B

So Gurus can you advice how to handle this scenario



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Hello Gurus,

Can you suggest a solution for this scenario..

Plant A  is the Ordering plant which gets Cus Orders , Plant B is the manufacturing plant which recevs the requirement and sends FG to A

This is a tycpical STock transfer scenario basesd on Spec Proc key .  The most challenging part here is that in Plant A the FG is actually a configurable material . The SO will be created with the required BOM configuration as per Cus requirement .   But the Manufacturing Plant B does not have Configurable materials concept. so what can be the possible solution  .It will only assemble the parst based on the requirement from Plant A .

As far as I know you have two options for your above issue.

1. You can use the special procurement key which does the stock transfer between plant to plant. In this case you need to configure your SPK as below in OMD9, in this case system creates a purchase requisition in Plant A and a Planned order in Plant B. When you convert the purchase req. to purchase order, you can see your configuration data in the Material tab of Item details. In Plant B, a requriement of type PRqRel (meaning purchasing requirement from another plant) is created and for which a planned order is created (after MRP run). Also check out this consulting note 119339.

2. Production in alternative plant (plant B in your case). Configure the SPK as below and when you run MRP system will create a planned order for the customer requirement directly in the Plant B.

(a) Every Config material  in Plant A shud have corresponding no of BOMS (for every variant) in Plant B .  However it is not simple to do so.And also how do we relate the the Material in Plant A to Material in Plant B

Material in Plant A and Material in Plant B is same you just extend the material from one plant to another using MM01 and input the values specific to each plant. Also I believe you do not have to maintain BOMs in both plants, only Plant B may be sufficient enough, but I advise to test from your side, though.