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Spain SII: error when sending

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Hi forum

I am facing an issue when I send the XML to the AEAT, and the process fails. Searching in the B1if logs I found an error message:

<SqlExceptions xmlns=""><SqlException><ErrorCode>207</ErrorCode><Message>Invalid column name 'U_B1SYS_DIRECT_DEBIT'.</Message><SqlState>S0001</SqlState></SqlException></SqlExceptions>

The query that generates the error:

<Payload Role="C" id="atom3" system="0010000104" mode="single" method="Query Statement(Query Statement)" plr="5" dbtype="SQL" blockExecution="false" compatibilityMode="true" delimiter=";" commitMode="direct" sql="select top 1 [ECM2].[AbsEntry], [ActStatus], [LogData] as ActData, [Code], [ReportID], [SrcObjAbs], COALESCE(U_B1SYS_DIRECT_DEBIT, 'N') as "DirectDebit" from [ECM2] left join ECM3 on [ECM2].AbsEntry = [ECM3].AbsEntry left join [OVPM] on [ECM2].SrcObjAbs = [OVPM].DocEntry and [ECM2].SrcObjType = [OVPM].ObjType left join [OBOE] on [OVPM].BoeAbs = [OBOE].BoeKey left join [OPYM] on [OBOE].PayMethCod = [OPYM].PayMethCod where [LogType]='S' AND [ActStatus]='P' AND [ECM2].[AbsEntry]= 18 order by "LogNum" DESC" disable-output-escaping="false">

Any idea to solve?

Kind regards


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Active Contributor
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Hi jesper.magnusson

we are in the next enviroment: SBO 9.3 PL03 and SII 1.1.

We were working in this issue and we updated the scenario, deleting the field in the atom and we published again.

Kind regards
