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Ship To max limit reached

Former Member
0 Kudos

Issue: My organization has reached the maximum number of links (999) of Ship-to and Sold-to. The Standard setup of accounts is SoldTo -> Sales Area Data -> Partner Functions tab -> all shiptos are attached.

The Proposed Solutions is ShipTo -> Sales Area Data -> Partner Functions tab -> all Soldtos are attached.


  1. Is this a sufficient solution?
  2. Based on your experiences, what solution would you propose to a client?
  3. Downstream impacts of the proposed solution, particularly its impact to reporting out of BW or data being pulled into visualization platforms (i.e. tableau, Qlik, etc.)?

Accepted Solutions (0)

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

0 Kudos


In a previous project I've had same problem and proposed same solution as you've proposed. I haven't found any other solution from SAP (nothing apart from SAP proposed solution in KBA "1452390 - Error Message: F2 699 - 'There are already 1000 entries for function SH' in transaction XD02").

Anserws to your questions:

1.-Yes. For the customer solution proposed was enough and they planed to work as proposed.

2.- Assign Sold To's to Ship to's. At least until SAP proposes an alternative to this workaround.

3.-I didn't had any specific requirements from BW side. Please take into account, even when sold to remains related with ship to on KNVP automatic functionality of partner function determination on VA01 for example is not usable. I asume there must be made some "adjustments" in BI/BW side in order to get the correct information in reports and figures.