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SBO Crashes when updating BP Master Remarks

Former Member
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I have a scenario in SBO where for one business partner only, we're unable to update any amendments to the remarks. Each time anything is amended, the client crashes. This happens for all users on all pc's - again it's only for one BP record.

Has anyone ever come across a similar issue before?



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Did you import data from another system or did any back-end update? This would be the most likely cause of your problem. I suggest checking the ORCD table which is the primary table. See if you have any invalid characters or field lenght has been exceeded. Then check the CRD1 table to see if the address are entered correctly. Also there might be an issue with database schema if bad job was done on the back-end.

Former Member
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The data was entered directly into SAP and was not imported. When copying the remarks from the problematic BP to another, the same error occurs. It's likely there is an unsupported character entered as has been mentioned. I will pursue this.



Former Member
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Hi Juan,

Try SELECT * FROM OCRD T0 WHERE T0.CardCode = '[%0\]' for this BP. If nothing wrong, continue check CRD1 etc.



Active Contributor
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you need to check what is present in this particular BP that other BP do not have. you can try to check this using a simple Query

Select * from OCRD

tip: while viewing the Query result need to eye on special characters i.e (*, ',#, etc)

