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0 Kudos

Hi All,

I have issue with VPRS cost price is reflecting in negative values in F2 billing document.

Could you please help on this issue.

Its cross company business process scenario.

Invoice has been completed.

In vprs condition header details, i could see that condition control is H, which is from goods issue document.

One clue i have noticed is material document(GI) has been created and reversed and again created which might have created inconsistency in the backend.

I have tried running the sdvprsupdate report but it didn't help much.

Let me know if you need more details with respect to issue

Thank you


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Answers (2)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

SDVPRSUPDATE will recalculate and update the cost condition for the billing document only when cost condition exists already. If VPRS doens't exist, then it's not possible to correct the cost via this report. To verify whether condition exist or not, check this field VBRP-WAVWR = 0. The only way to update the VPRS and the FI document is to reverse the billing document and re-create

0 Kudos

Am checking with business team and get back to you.

Thank you.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

What kind of sales is it? Normal Sales, MTO, MTS, Product Costing etc.


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Intercompany STO

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

In that case, hope your intercompany conditions are getting determined. Either that will be PI01/PI02 or similar conditions with the requirement type - 22: Intercompany in your pricing procedure. And to get those determined that need suffices to requirement number 22. FYI, computed value through 22 will store the value on to KOMP-WAVWR (Cost) using Subtotal B.
