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SAP Payroll Processing on a daily basis

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi, Gurus!

I'm on a project where the company requirements need to calculate a production wage types on a daily basis, because we need send a form to the employees with their payment every day.

However the payment will occur only once a month, and will compare the production salary with the minimun the employee should receive and pay the highest one.

My doubt is, can we configure the payroll program to process on a daily basis and store these wage types for consult in the end of the month?



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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Could you do Time Evaluation on a daily basis and use the Time Types and Wage Types generated to produce a daily report?

I don't think that you can run payroll daily and monthly for the same employee.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi, Remi, thanks for your reply!

The problem use the Time Evaluation to evaluate the production inputs is that we may have a tecnical restriction. Because the values we will send to Payroll cannot be higher than 999,99 and this situation will occurs.

Do you guys have any other suggestion?

Unfortunatelly I don't see any other option to receive it in a developed infotype and create a program to evaluate it and transfer to payroll in a standard infotype.
