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SAP Business One Production

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Dear SBO Consultants,

We have a client who is involved in the manufacturing of steel tubes of various sizes. I'm currently doing scoping (requirement gathering) but so far this is what I have been able to understand. The buy large steel coils which they then slit/ cut into smaller sizes. The smaller slits are then used to produce tubes.

My issue comes in when mapping to SAP B1. How will the Bill of Materials for the small slits look like? With SAP B1 Production Module, you have smaller raw materials that are combined to form one finished product. However, in this case, you have one big material cut into smaller materials.

Response will be appreciated.

Kind Regards,


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Accepted Solutions (1)

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Hi Pascale,

As per your words, what i have understood is your client is basically preforming disassembly for Large coil into small/stilted coil.
You can do so this in SAP B1 Production module by following below steps

1. Let suppose your big coil is X, and stilted Coils are Y,Z

then you need to first create the BOM (Bill of material) for X, you need to define the quantity for X, and in child component spaces you need to take Y and Z.

2. Open Production order form, there in 'Type' field you need to select 'Disassembly' as the type of production order.

3. In product no. field you need to select X as product and system will fetch the relevant BOM for the same.

4. Once the complete data is fetched then you need to enter the quantity.

Note: The quantity which you  will enter over here should be the same by which your inventory of large coil(X item) will get reduced.

5.After filling all the details you need to add the production document.

6. After adding when you will perform the issue for production then system will reduce the X item with your mentioned quantity.

7. And when you will perform the receipt of production then you will receipt the stilted or smaller coil.

8. After completion of the above steps then you can close your production order.

I hope you get this and may it will be helpful to you.

Please let me know if anything not clear.


Bhushan Verma

0 Kudos

Hi Bhushan,

I was actually thinking about this but I wasn't sure if I could pull it off. I'm someone else was thinking in that direction. Let me continue with the requirement gathering and be positivl=ely sure before mapping to SAP B1.

Thank you for your reply.


Former Member
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Hi Pascale,

Yes sure, you be ready with the requirement gathering and let us know, where we can help.


Bhushan Verma

Answers (6)

Answers (6)

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Dear all,

What Mr.Bhushan Verma mentioned is best for inventory movements and less work for someone inputting Production Orders. But, in Disassembly, you cannot add Resources. So, how will the cost of Small (Slit) Coils be correct?

What we have done is Small (Slit) Coil is at the Header level of BOM and Large Coil is a component in that BOM.

Small Coil = 1000kg (Header Level)
Large Coil = 1010,101 (Component)
Scrap = -10,101 (Component)
And all the resources.

If in one day, 7 Large Coils are cut with 10 different Small Coil sizes, so then we have to create 10 Production Orders.

Also in our case, Large Coils and Small Coils are in Batch.

Thank you,
Best Regards,

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Hi Mahendran,

Thank you for your reply. I will definitely use an excel sheet for guidance. However, your image is for the bigger SAP ERP. I would have kindly preferred SAP Business One examples because that is what I am dealing with. I do not think I'm familiar with transaction code CA01. Thanks again


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You have create separate BOM each size of sheet to maintain and use it actual production order.

To produce sheet, your BOM material should be like,

Item X - Size 100 x 200 x 10 mm

Component - Steel Role --1000 x 1000 x 10mm

To produce tube, your BOM material should be like,

Tube A - Dia 30  x 100 mm

Component - Item X - Size 100 x 200 x 10 mm

Thank you

0 Kudos

Hi Nagarajan,

What happens is they have one large coil say 1.9*1215. This coils is cut into slits of different sizes such as 1.9*353, 1.9*280, 1.9*255, 1.9*65 and the rest is scrap. 1.9mm is the thickness of the coil and the other measurement is the width.

How can I make sure that all this is in the same production order? Your example suggests that the smaller slits be the main item and the coil be the component. Than would mean multiple production orders.



Active Contributor
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Hi, Pascale Khayeri Mwavaga,

I used to work for company selling those metal profiles, I knew multiple UoM will be the solution for this, you can not bypass that. Spend more time in that direction as my previous answer.


0 Kudos

Hi Frank,

Thank You for your reply.

How will I incorporate the multiple UoM in the Production Module? They measure their inventory in Kilograms (Kg). The coils come with their weight which is converted to Kg, the slits are also measured in Kg, and also the end product is measured in Kg


Active Contributor

Yes it should be multiple production order.

1. One production order for cut into piece ( Internal production order).

2. Another production order to make tube as per customer requirement.

Former Member
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Create Item Masters for "Large coil" and "Small Slits"

You can specify higher quantities on header and lower quantities in the component lines.

I think you won't have any issue regarding this, if I ve  understood your query .

See, screenshot (sample)


On receipt of production order, you can enter the actual quantities received during production and close the production order.

0 Kudos

Hi Jiju,

This makes sense. Let me try it and then I'll get back to you. Thanks as well for your reply.


Active Contributor
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Well, u can use different UoM for the product.


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Hi Frank,

Kindly Expound on your idea. Thanks


Active Contributor
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for specific metal product, once the dimension is fixed, some times people are just using different UoM to address the same product, such using weight, length etc.

For example, a round tube with 1" diameter and 10' length, when you buy it, u might use Each as UoM, and when u use it, you might use Inch as the UoM.


Former Member
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First they purchase Large Steel Coils and then in SAP you can setup Job work process for Slit/cut into smaller sizes through Production Process and then You can use this small Items into Actual production Order component.

Hope this clears to you.



0 Kudos

Hi Harshal,

Thanks for your reply. Is the Job Work process in UK Localization? I don't think I have seen that functionality.
