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Routing LSMW

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I am using standard BDC program for the Routing upload. I am uploading the Routing header data and Item data in two different files.

But the program is only updating the header data and not the item data if I dont give data for the Key number (PLNNR).

If I give the key number, its giving the error that PLNNR cannot be given externally.

There is another field called Internal Counter(ZAEHL). I am not able to understand the functionality of this field.

Please give your inputs.



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Former Member
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Hi Ramakanth,

Are you using a recording rather than the standard direct input program (RCPTRA02)? I have always had my best success using Direct input.



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Dear Boy,

Iam working on routings can u send me u r LSMW file and as well as u r input file to check for the fields .

IAm not getting any idea how to do will be more helpful for me.


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Ramu et al,

Sorry, the rules of the forum do not permit emailing data directly to other users. Which would be pretty hard anyway since you haven't entered your email address in your forum profile.

If I get some free time I will try to figure out how to jump through all the hoops to do a Content Submission for this forum, since the forums evidently don't support attaching files to message replies.



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Hi Ramu,

Here is one of my LSMWs. I couldn't find the input files, since I did the project sometime last year. However, it should be pretty easy to figure out; I usually use the SAP field names for my input file field names.

Use the LSMW Import function to use this in your system.

By the way, I am using direct input, so this should also be helpful against your posting in the ABAP forum.



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Thank you very much DB.iam working with the help of the data u had share me.

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Dear DB,

IAm trying to create LSMW maintiang the same parameters according to the lsmw that u had sent to me.Iam getting the error "group cannot be determined".Could i know what is the problem.


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Typically if you do not give the recipe counter (PLNNR) number, system takes the next sequential counter available and creates it. And if you give the counter, system will check to make sure if it already exists and if no, then creates the recipe with that counter.

Before doing the BDC, try to create that recipe manually and see. What error message you get.

Also you might consider creating only one recording for creating both the recipe header and item else use the BAPI_ROUTING_CREATE as suggested by Ramakanth.


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Hello Ramakanth,

I am actually facing the very same problem. Were you able to find the solution?

Please let me know!

Thanks very much,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Dear colleague,

please check if the note 823800 can be valid.

If you try to create the routing manually , do you need an ECN ?

There are some errors solved with the note 1256859


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We could not find the solution. Instead we have created an ABAP program using BAPI_ROUTING_CREATE.



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Dear Maria,

Thanks for your help! I will have a look at that note.

We do not require ECM for creating the routing.

Rgds, Albert-Jan

Former Member
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Dear Maria,

Had a look at the notes you suggest, but I'm afraid that they are not applicable to our case... Like I said, no ECM when we create the routing manually.

Thanks anyway!

Rgds, Albert-Jan