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Rounding-Off Of Individual Wage Type

0 Kudos

Dear All,

How can we round-off the Individual Wage TYpe

eg. if in Payroll WT 9001 has amount = 245.45

If i want to round it off to can we do that

I want to round-off on individual WT not on Net pay

Can somebody help me on this topic..

It's Urgent

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

There is a possibility of rounding the WT during payroll run by means of ROUND operation in a PCR where WT is processed. In the example ROUNDGK100 will satisfy your requirements.



0 Kudos

Hi Renata,

Thks for the reply..

Can u please explain me in details regarding this.. i have gone thourgh ROUND by PDSY Tcode..but which PCR to be done, got confused.

I exactly want the rounding off of <b> Individual wage Type </b>..say if i enter 1000.45 in IT-14 for say should get converted to 1000..on it's own can it be done

or if not there directly at the time of Payroll can it be done...

Former Member
0 Kudos

It is really hard to say in which PCR your WT is processed (maybe customer's one?). If you are familiar with the payroll schema try to trace the processing of the WT in the payroll log. Pay particular attention to those processing classes for which the WT has specifications assigned. Suppose you want to round-off on WT in the last step of processing (valuating, prorating, etc.). Look for the place where the WT is saved in RT table (ADDWTE operation) and add ROUNDGK100 operation before saving (the meaning of parameters: G - AMT field is rounded, K - commercial rounding, 100 - rounding divisor). If before the ROUND operation the WT has values NUM=1.00, RTE= , AMT=237.51, after rounding it will be NUM=1.00, RTE= , AMT=238.00. There are of course many other combinations of parameters of ROUND operation.

Also take into consideration that several WT may be processed in the branch of the decision tree in PCR you are going to change. In this case you should create another branch based on values in a customer's processing class, for example.



0 Kudos

Hi Renata

Thks for the reply..

Since last one day , i m searching wher to add the operation..

Actually i want to round after factorisation etc. everything is done...

in which Rule can i update the same..

Can u please guide me



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Ketal,

You know exactly what you are doing?

How the values is going to add in all or where it goes?

If it is to be paid or not?

I think it is dangerous situation here .

Thats why i havent involve in it from previously.

well you can do but after effects will be same hope you have all in your mind .

Manoj Shakya.

<b>Reminder : Points should be given on answers.</b>

0 Kudos

Hi Renata,

Thks for the reply..

I have tried it and is working..but now one more difficulty is that for some

Wage type they want rounding off upto the nearest value

eg. if 9001 has amt 218.45 then it should round off the amount to 210

is this possible ..also tried RNDC Operation, but it's not working

ny solution for this's urgent



Former Member
0 Kudos

Yes, it is possible. Try this one:

AMT/10 (result will be: 9001=21,84)

ROUNDG-100 (result will be: 9001=21,00)

AMT*10 (result will be: 9001=210,00)

the 2nd parameter '-' in ROUND operation means rounding down.



0 Kudos

Hi Renaka,

Thks for the reply..

My problem is solved with ur solution

Can i have ur biref introduction and ur Mail IDplease..



Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi there. I'm not sure what country you're doing payroll for. But for U.S. payroll, you can go to the IMG (transaction SPRO) then select this path:

Payroll -> Payroll: USA -> Basic Settings -> Environment for Maintaining Wage Types -> Check wage type attributes

Then select the wage type that you want to round and click on the "Details" button (the magnifying glass). Enter a rounding type (A for down, B for up/down, or C for up) and a rounding divisor (enter 100 to round to the nearest dollar). Save your changes. I hope this helps.

- April King

0 Kudos

Hi April,

Thanks for the reply...

I m configuring for Asia-Pacific Countries eg.India , China...

The same configuration we have also made but it's not working while displaying the results....

Is there ny other way of doing it..kindly reply..


Ketal Parikh

Former Member
0 Kudos

Click on the rounding type or rounding divisor field and press F1 to get a list of the values that you need to use for your specific country. They may not be the same as for the U.S. (especially the divisor).

- April

0 Kudos

Hi April,

Thks for the reply dear,...

I have the done the complete steps and seen but it's still not working..

I have check for US Ctry Grping also , but still it's not working

Can u please send me the screen shot n explain..

can u please give me ur personal mail ID so that i can send u the screen shot of wat i have done

Can u send me the scrren shot opf ur' have u done..

Thanks & Regards

Ketal Parikh

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hmm, it should work. See this thread for example:

I've sent you a couple of screen shots. I cannot receive attachments though.

- April

0 Kudos

Hi April,

I m really thkful to u for ur replies..Though it has not solved my query but it was reallly beneficial ...

I have tried all the necessary options available but it's still not working nything else we can do in PCR (Schema)

Please guide me on the same,,if u have ny idea on this part



Former Member
0 Kudos

Let's look at this another way. You said that this wage type is being directly valuated. Are the amounts for it being entered by a user into infotype 0015 or 0014?

- April

0 Kudos

Hi April,

Thks for the reply once again.. sorry for taking much of ur time on this issue

Yes wage types are directly valuated ... yes amounts will be entered by users in IT-14 & 15 ..thy may enter in Decimals..

There may be situation when Wage types get prorated and amounts comes into decimals in Payroll whether individual WT amount needs to be rounded off

ny ways can i have ur brief introduction..whr r u from n whr r u working...


Ketal Parikh

Former Member
0 Kudos

Since the amount for the wage type is being entered through an infotype, you can use a user exit to control the amount being entered (so that it is in whole units). Exit EXIT_SAPFP50M_002 will let you validate the fields of the infotype. In the exit, first check if the infotype is 0015. If it is, then check if the wage type is the one that you want to restrict. You can then choose to either send an error message if the amount was not entered in whole units, or you could call function module HR_ECM_ROUND_AMOUNT to round the entered amount and then pass back the rounded amount to the infotype (in which case you would probably want to send an informational message to the user). Look at include LXPADF01 through transaction SE38 to see some sample code that would work for this user exit. You can get to the user exit and its documentation through the IMG via this path:

Personnel management -> Customizing Procedures -> Infotypes -> Define enhancements for infotypes

Let me know if this works for you.

- April

0 Kudos

HI APril,

Thks for the reply.. I hope this might work for the WT amount which are entered as a Decimal....

Wat abt the WT which gets prorated gives amount in decimal at the time of Payroll Run can we do that

Hey April Can u please give me ur Little intro if possible and if u don't have ny probs

