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Return process

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Hello Experts,

We have a requirement from our client that whenever a sales return happens and if that is lessthan 6months then credit note(Including Tax) can be given to the customer .

At the same time if the transaction is morethan 6months old then except tax other components can be issued through credit note...

How to handle this scenario?...Please need your suggestions

Thanks in advance...

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I would like to add in above suggestions that you can control this through VOFM routine too. Ask your ABAPER to write this logic that if original document is old then 6 months then XKWERT=0. Assign this routine to Tax condition. Please check if this is workable for you.


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Would you please explain your suggestion in more detail?

This would be a learning.

Extra information:

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Dear Sir

In VOFM routine XKWERT is the value of the condition to which you have assigned any routine. On OP requirement I have suggested him to write logic in VOFM routine and assign this routine in requirement in pricing procedure for tax condition which he want to check for 6 month.

I hope you understand.


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Hi Ali,

As I highlighted in my earlier post, this will have a challenge in answering tax authorities. User or Legal department will not understanding why the tax was zero for any specific credit memo. They really have to dig into details to findout the reason. I am just putting my views since i worked in lot of Indian projects and I know how Indian tax authorities look for the details.

Having said that, I recommend OP to have some tax condition records to pull zero tax when its more than 6 months. It may be difficult for consultant, but in long term it adds lot of value to client.

Sorry, if I didn't understand your suggestion. You can correct me.

Regards, Sai Krishna

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Dear Sai

I am not familiar with Tax authorities in India but here in Pakistan situation is little but different so thats why I suggested OP the easiest possible way to control this. If we see the tax authorities then your point of view is hundred percent correct and OP should go for it. Let him decide and discuss with concerned operational persons and he will chose whatever he like. We are here to give different solutions and opinions and we did our job


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Dear Ali,

Yes, you are correct. Even I just expressed my opinion. Sorry, if I hurt you in any of my posts.

Regards, Sai Krishna.

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I am not hurt I was just sharing my views that might went in wrong sense . I like your posts and deep thinking in this thread. Please keep posting like this with positive attitude.


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K R SarvanakKumar,

In your pricing procedure, for the tax condition type, in field Requirement, you can write the logic.i.e. coding of requirement in VOFM.

If more than 6 months, then the requirement is NOT fulfilled  do not populate the value of tax condition type in the RE order.

If less than 6 months, then the requirement is fulfilled and populate the value of the tax condition type in RE order.

Added: Get clear instructions from the business / client, as to how to calculate "less than six months / more than six months".

Furthermore, after writing the functional specifications for this development, get the approval from the client.

In order to avoid any problems later on.

Message was edited by: T W

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If it is more than 6 months old, then the field Alternative tax classification in the billing tab of the sales order header can be populated with value 0 - no tax, using user exit USEREXIT_MOVE_FIELD_TO_VBAK in MV45AFZZ . Discuss with an ABAP'er for further help.


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Hi Sravana,

Adding to Shiva Ram's reply, We have done in the following way fro our client.

Check the original billing document date ( as we take the returns with reference to Billing), calculate the number of days from return order creation.

If it is more than 6 months then pick up the first access records which we maintain in Vk11.

Now, the combination what we have maintained in access sequence is Order type/usage( which u will see in order at both item level and header level). in the record we will maintain "0" for this combination.

Now, the usage will be populated by using enhancement of the program MV45AFZZ.

Let me know if you need more details.

Regards, Sai Krishna.

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Thanks for your reply...

Can you please elaborate the usage part?...what it is?...

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You can do this in OVA4 t.code. For more details you can see below threads.

Note: sometimes this field may be useful for QA check at delivery document. Ensure that you have your own field.

Regards, Sai Krishna.

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Thank you for your post!

My request is same as K R,

Order type/usage( which u will see in order at both item level and header level). in the record we will maintain "0" for this combination.

Could you please explain in more detail -

a. What is the purpose of Usage (in sales order - both at header and item level)

b. Why this field was used in the condition record?

c. What was the condition type? (Was this a tax condition type?)

d. Why the value of this condition type was maintained as zero?

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Hi Sai,

'If it is more than 6 months then pick up the first access records which we maintain in Vk11'

How to achieve this?....means where do we write the condition that if its 6months old take the first access?...

Thanks in advance

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Hi Saravana,

Let me try to explain in the below way, which will answer your question and TW's query.

You have Tax condition say for E.g. MWST.

You have access sequence in the below way:

10: Order type/Usage

20: Shipping point region/Ship to party region code/Tax classification of customer/ Tax class of material.

Now, your enhancement: The logic should be, if the Billing date and return order is greater than 6 months then populate usage indicator in the order. In VK11, you should maintain MWST record for Order type and Usage combination with "0" tax. So, system will pick up the "0" tax.

@TW: Why I have to maintain "0" tax in VK11 is, in most of the projects, Tax condition is mandatory. So, I have to populate tax condition in return order.

Regards, Sai krishna.

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Thank you for your reply!

I feel that Shiva's suggestion is more "compact"!

In the sense that with his suggestion, only one condition table would have to be created.

For that (one) condition table, two condition records have to be created, e.g.

along with other fields -

- Alt. tax classification = 0

- Alt. tax classification not equal to 0

Populating a field at the header level of the sales order (be it Alt. tax classification or usage) is done by enhancement / coding (calculate if RE order is more than 6 months old or not).

Thereafter the RE order picks up the relevant condition records and the value of the condition type (tax).

Side comment: It has been a learning reading both your contributions in this thread!

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One question -

Usage Indicator

Defines how the material is used.

If usage indicator defines / gives information pertaining to material, then why is this field at Sales order, header level?

Probably, it should be only at line item level.

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May be his suggestion is apt here.. As you know, every consultant has his or her views to take up the things..

Why I have suggested Usage or access Sequence level is because of clear track for users.. We have to be very clear on why the tax is "0". The company has to file returns and also for client internal tax manager, its will be easy when he runs the tax reports, he can easly make out that the order which has "Usage" is pertains to no tax due to more than 6 months period..

Where as in the above Shiva's solution, i feel its difficult for user to understand why and for what tax is Zero..

Infact, i am happy that i receive lot of questions from you and members, so that i can look back on what i had suggested in my previous projects and can see if there is any improvement needed..

I hope i will continue to contribute here for longer period without much project hectic work

Regards, Sai Krishna.