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Retirement of Assets - Document splitting

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Dear All

I am trying to post retirement of multiple assets with cost centers belonging to different profit center through F-92. I have document splitting activated, but the Customer line item is not getting split according to the profit centers of the assets so retired and it is giving a Balancing profit center error and so the posting of retirement of assets cannot be taken place.

Please suggest.

Thanks & regards


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Hi Nitesh

Asset Doc Type AA has Business Transaction Variant 0000 i.e. it is not meant for splitting

That is because each asset is a sub ledger and transactions for 2 assets can never be clubbed

Most probably, your asset does not have CC or your settings in ACSET are not deriving KOSTL (Cost Center) for retirement transaction types

In ACSET, you should have * as trans type or atleast cover the required transaction types there

Br, Ajay M

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Dear Ajay

I checked the ACSET settings and the same is maintained properly with * for both the Account assignment types. Also, Cost center is maintained for the Assets.

Can I club the retirement of multiple asset (with Cost center assigned to differnt profit centers). Will the Sub ledger concept put a restriction on the said posting, because when i am posting retirement of multiple assets belonging to same profit center the entry is getting posted. The problem arises only when we have assets with different profit center.

Thanks & regards


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Honestly, I never tried this.. But I feel the Business Transaction 0000 assigned to AA is the reason

So, I suggest you to proceed with individual assets retirement or use LSMW or club assets of same PC together

Br. Ajay M