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Restrict GL line item display (FS10N) to certain users

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Dear All,

We have few GLs which has a sensitive data and maintained as line item display.

currently all users who has access to FS10N can see line items. we don't want this to happen.

Hence, I want to know the possibility of restricting GL line item display to certain users and others should have normal total balance display.

Can i achieve this through authorisation group in GL master? if so what is the configuration steps and roles to be added to restrict this?

It would be great help if you can guide the configuration steps.



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

0 Kudos

Hi krispy,

Yes you can use auth group in GL master.

1. Assign Auth group e.g.0001 in GL master.

2. Create a role from tcode pfcg

3. Assign transaction fs10n

4. Go to Authorizations tab --> change authorization

5. Find (Ctrl + F) auth object F_SKA1_BES and assign group 0001 over here

6. Assign this role to all users who are required to be given access for same GL

Please take help of basis team if required

Thank You


Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi Krispy,

You can able to do this in SAP.

You have to give the details with User to Basis consultant and ask him to remove the authorisation for the T code FS10N to the user.


Milind Joshi

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Krispy,

Not required to any customization to achieve the same. It is totally depends upon authorization object which you have maintained in GL master. OK Just follow the steps ,you can achieve the same.

1. Go to FS00 > Enter that GL account > Go to control data > Enter authorization group as Z001

2. Discuss with Basis team to exclude above authorization group to all user's which you don't want to display the line items to mentioned object as F_SKA1_BES.


Mani Kumar