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Release strategy for PO

0 Kudos

Hi Friends

I have an issue in PO release strategy. I have created characters for

1. Material Group

2. Plant

3. Purchasing Organisation

4. Purchasing Group

5. Net Order value

The condition is like this: One user A uses Purchasing group B to buy certain materials having material group C. If the value of the material goes above RM 500, the release strategy should be activated. I have created characteristics for all above mentioned points. I have assigned these characteristics to a class. In all the characteristics, I have assigned the table CEKKO and respective fields for plant/material group/purchasing group/purchasing Org/Net order value. I have created release group, release code, release strategy. In release simulation also the status is "Release Possible/Release Effected". But when I create a PO and assign that Purchasing group/Purchasing Org/Material group and the value of the PO more than RM 500, the release strategy is not activated for PO, where as same type of characteristics created for PR (Using CEBAN) is working perfectly fine.

Please suggest how to activate the release strategy.

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Former Member
0 Kudos


You HAVE to make sure that ALL chaaracteristics match or the PO will "slip though" the strategy.

So check the PO for each of the 5 characteristics you have listed.

You cannot just leave a space as a value in a characteristic in the release stragey, this does NOT mean ALL>

For example, if you want the stargety to catch POs for ALL Purchasing orgs, you MUST specify the list of P orgs (or use an invalid P org and say "not equal").

If you leave this blank the system will check the PO and ONLY include POs with a Blank P org (or whatevr is being checked).

So make sure that every characteristic has a specific value or range on all strategies.

this MAY be your problem.

Steve B

0 Kudos

Hi Steve,

i have taken the screenshots of my configuration. I can send it to you. Please provide me your mail id so that i can send it to you.

Thanks & Regards


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Satya,

I doubt you can use material group as condition in PO because it is at item level & not at header level, u r telling it is perfectly working fine in PR it should be at item level release.

In PO it is header level release & you cannot use any item level condition to execute release.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Satyabrata,

In this case statagy will work specifically for 5 characteristics what you have defined,pls check classification tab in release staratagy there should not be any blank space against any characteristic.



0 Kudos


I have removed the characteristic "Matrrial Group" from the class. and created the release strategy once again withour material group. Still the release strategy is not activated. If you can provide me your mail id, I can send the screnshots of my configuration.

Thanks & Regards


0 Kudos

Hi Basa,

I have checked my classification tab in release strategy. There is no blank space in that. if you provide me your mail id , I will send you the screenshot of my configuration.

Thanks & Regards


Former Member
0 Kudos

I would be happy to have a look at this for you if you want to email me the screen shots from the configuration. email to