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Release procedure

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What is the difference between release with classification and without classification, can anyone explain pls?



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Purchase requesition:

1. With Classification - a. Release can be done at both Item level & header level.

b. Every field in the purchasing document can be used as release criteria i.e, can be used as

Characteristics while defining release strategy in customizing.

2. Without Classification - a. Release can be done at Item level only.

b. Only Acct assignment cat, Mtrl group, Plant & Value fields in the purchasing document can be

used as release criteria.

All other Purchase documents other than PR:

1. Only With Classification - a. Header Level release.

b. Every field in the purchasing document can be used as release criteria

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Procedure without classification (Release procedure 1)

This release procedure is only available for requisitions.

The aim of this correction and approval procedure is to check the data on the material, quantities, and delivery dates for correctness and to ensure that the right account assignment and source of supply have been specified.

This procedure provides for the approval of the individual items of a requisition, as a precondition for the subsequent issue of RFQs or purchase orders.

Procedure with classification (Release procedure 2)

This procedure works in conjunction with classification. It provides you with the option of specifying considerably more requirements than just "value", "material group", "account assignment", and "plant". As a result, you have more flexibility in setting up the release procedure.

The aim of this release procedure is to replace manual written authorization procedures using signatures by an electronic one, while maintaining the dual control principle. The person responsible processes the relevant document in the system, thereby marking it with an "electronic signature" which can give the document legal force.

This procedure provides for the release (approval) not only of requisitions (i.e. internal purchasing documents), but also of the external purchasing documents RFQ, purchase order, contract, scheduling agreement and service entry sheet.

Note that in contrast to purchase requisitions, the other purchasing documents can only be released in their entirety: item-by-item (or partial) release is only available for requisitions.



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With classification

With this procedure, requisitions can be released both at item level (i.e. item-by-item) and in total. The latter approach is also termed "overall release".

Without classification

With this procedure, requisitions can only be released at item level.

External purchasing documents (i.e. purchasing documents other than requisitions) are released at header level. Item-by-item release is not possible. These documents can only be released using the release procedure with classification.


Eshwar H

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Release Procedure without classification is used for releasing purchasing document item by item only. This is only applicable only for purchase requisition(PR).

Release Procedure with classification is used for releasing purchasing document only at header level. This procedure is applicable for PR, RFQ, RFQ, PO, SES, Contract and scheduling agreements.

Note: For purchase requisition, both item by item and header level release can be configured & for all external purchasing documents,release is possible only at header level & can be configured.


Biju K

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Check in forum there are lot of threads regarding same.