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rapost2000 - custom fields posting

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We are upgrading to ECC 6.0 (but we are not implementing the New GL yet). Due to this fact we are losing RABUCH00 and can use RAPOST2000 for posting depreciation only.

However we post depreciation by custom fields which we have in ANLA (asset master data) as well as in BSEG. So we are not posting depreciation e.g. by cost-center but by these custom fields.

Is there a way how to add these custom fields to the list of account assignment objects and customize depreciation in rapost2000 so that depreciation is posted with these fields.

If not is there a way how to post depreciation with RAPOST2000 using batch input (i.e. using FB01) this will allow us to use ABAP solution. The problem for us is that now RAPOST2000 uses AC interface and we are experiencing problem to modify it in ABAP.

Any suggestions are highly appreciated. This is for me serious showstoper in the upgrade.



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Former Member
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not answered, found different solution