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QM-WM Integration - Error L3008 - System cannot find source storage bin

0 Kudos

Hi gurus,

I'm trying to perform QA11 transactión, with some material placed in quants with stock status "Unrestricted use".

Expected behaviour:

When saving transaction QA11, the system should execute IM mov 333 / WM mov 331 and automatically create TO sending the material units to StoType 917 bin QUALITY.

Actual behaviour:

Whe saving transaction QA11, the system goes to LT04 transaction, and stops at Stock removal activity and brings the error mention in the tittle of this query:

The error leads me to this two pieces of standard code:

Program Found locations/short description

LL03AF0B 84 MESSAGE E008. 135 MESSAGE E008.

LL03AF1M 124 MESSAGE E008.

Which should be the steps to follow for both customizing and master data, to get propper behaviour of this activity?

Many thanks in advance.

0 Kudos

Hello Nicolas,

how did you solved this issue?

I have the same problem, find SAP note but still not solved

387466 - LT06 is not accessed although T321-TAFKZ = 'X'



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have you maintain stock?