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QM QI stock stuck

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We have a material that was shipped to another plant on an OBD, when the delivery was created the person selected the stock type to post to QI without an inspection type 08 or 01 being set in the material master. The stock has been received at the destination and it posted to QI, QM team created a manual lot with inspection type 89 and wants to know why the stock is not moved from QI to unrestricted. I have told them that the stock will not move via a manual inspection lot, there is no stock posting option. They also cannot move the stock from QI via MB1B with 321, SAP returns error (Change the inspection stock of material 7120211713 in QM only). UD has already been made and the stock is stuck, please advise how to move the stock from QI to unrestricted, thank you.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
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What is the error message you are receiving? I do not see anything in the information that you have provided concerning the error message.

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The message that SAP is returning I have put inside parenthesis, the message number from MB1B is Message no. QA495. The message number from the material master I am getting while trying to delete the last inspection type is Message no. QA148.

Former Member
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Hello Neil,

Thank you for the update. I would like to share the following with you.

If you have an active inspection type for a material which is stock relevant (as the inspection type 04) the QM stock can only by handled via QM-transactions. The posting to unrestricted stock from
QM should be done via usage decision (transaction QM11). When a stock transfer is posted for a material for which QM is active, the system creates an inspection lot that is stock relevant. The goods are posted to inspection stock for the duration of the quality inspection. So it is standard that you are getting error QA495 using MM-transaction (MIGO)

Please check if an inspection lot has been created during this posting. If an inspection lot exists you can post the material using transaction QA11. If no inspection has been created it is about an inconsistency. In this case please run the report ZQEVAC20 from the note 48815. Please make sure you run the report valid for your release.

Do let me know if this helps.

Kind Regards,

Babatunde. D. Aloba

0 Kudos

This was the correct answer, to fix the inconsistencies I had to implement sap note 48815 to run report ZQEVAC20 which cleared everything, thank you.

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Active Contributor
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Three options you can try.

1) make sure all the inspection types are not marked active.  Ideally delete them entirely in the inspection setup.  If you can do this, the inspection active indicator will be off in the main QM view of the material master.  Now you should be able to use MB1B to move the material.

2) in config in the plant set up, make sure inspection type 0800 is set up as inspection type for activating QM with stock in QI. If it is, run QA08 and activate the 08 inspection type for the material and make sure you have clicked on the "activate despite inspection stock" indicator.  This should create a stock relevant 0800 inspection type lot.  You may need to set up a plan for that of course.

3) last option, cancel the receipt using MBST.  turn on the 08 inspection type of the material and re-receive in the material.  Hopefully you'll get an inspection lot this time.


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Hello Fire Fighter, thank you for the quick reply. I have went into the material and deleted the inspection types, but it is not allowing me to delete inspection type 05, it is giving the same error as before (To deactivate QM, the inspection stock for the material must be empty). I do not see anything in QA32 as open, all the lots have a UD done. I tried to also us MBST but it gives the same error in my first post. Any suggestions?

Active Contributor
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Double check that you don't have an 05 lot sitting out there that is in a CRTD status that might not be showing up on the work list depending on your selections.

Try using QA08 to deactivate the 05, then doing the MBST.

Try option 2 I gave you using QA08.


0 Kudos

I have checked for any lots and there are none sitting out there for 05. That is the only inspection type I cannot delete from the QM view in the material master. I tried the option using QA08 for type 08 but it is not creating a lot. The problem all started with the transportation team creating the delivery to post to QI on the po instead of using an inspection type. Since that was done, nothing moves the stock from QI, any more suggestions?

Active Contributor
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Was an inspection type active when they receipted the delivery?  Or were they added later on?

I went back and reread the postings and I'm not sure i have a good timeline yet.

The bottom line is the delivery needs to be reversed.  That should not be impacted by the QM peice since you don't have any inspection lot linked to that specific material.

But somehow, and this is where I'm not sure of the timeline, you got the 05 inspection type turned on.

As a last resort, run MBST with a developer under debug and when it does the check to determine if QM is active, he/she should able to remove the flag indicating QM is active.  That should allow the reversal. Then delete the delivery and recreate it.

You could also open an OSS note and see what SAP suggests.


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The inspection type was never there for 08 to be able to use the STO inspection type. The only types active at the time of the GR were 04,05, & 89. The po was received and an 89 manual inspection lot was created, graded and the UD made. I have tried to reverse the po with a 102 or even a 122 and still getting the same message. Will have to run the debugger and see what happens I guess or open a note.