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Purchase Order Item is not matched to Invoice Item in Central Invoice Management

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Dear all,

i understand from note 3540020 that it is possible to match a invoice against a purchase order in Central Invoice Management (even if there is no PO number on the invoice), if the description, quantity, unit price & currency matches. However when i tried it out the system does not select a purchase order but tries to book it without a PO assignment. 

Here is the purchase order line item:


And here is the invoice:


I have activated the enhanced invocie item matching:


But the system still does not assign the Purchas Order to the Invoice.

Does anyone have any ideas as to why this might be?

Thanks and best regards




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Dear Niklas, 

the prerequisite for line item matching is that there is a PO reference on the invoice and it got recognized by OCR. The mentioned note (3540020) is not stating anything else, so it's a misunderstanding that matching can happen without the prior identification of at least one PO reference on the invoice. The matching then tries to determine the best matching candidates out of all line items of the referenced PO(s) based on unit price, description and quantity. I hope this explanation clarifies why your example did not work. 

Best regards
