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Propose order quantity in return sales order

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Hello Experts,

I have a requirement where while creating return sales order with reference system should propose total delivered quantity instead of quantity in original sales order.

I tried to copy routine 151 in VOFM but after the changes proposed quantity in return sales order is appearing as addition of original sales order quantity and total delivered quantity.


Original sales order is having quantity = 100

total delivered quantity = 45.

default proposed return sales order(with reference) quantity = 100 (here system should propose 45 not 100)

In copy routine if I change VBAP-KWMENG to 45 then in return sales order system is proposing 45 + 100 = 145 but I need system should only propose 45.

I had searched the community but no where I found the solution.

Please help. 

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As you have already copied the standard routine 151 and you added your own logic--ask your Abaper how to go ahead--he can help you on this.


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Dear Shubham,

Please take help of ABAPer and debug it. How the system takes Propose quantity and Sales order quantity while copying. After identify change the logic .



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First question is what is the qty in your billing document (above example)?

If it is 45, same as PGI qty, then you can follow Lakshmipathi's suggestion.

In VTAF, copy control (bill > RE order), set up to create RE order with reference to billing document.

Note: You will have to delete the entry (already existing) for RE process in VTAA (order > RE order)


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The problem is we can not go with the process i.e. to create return sales order with reference to billing document as there are many other customizations already developed on existing process of creating return sales order with reference to sales order.

So we need the solution in which return order(RE) should be created which should propose quantity as the total delivered quantity with reference to sales order.

For the reference order only delivery document is posted in the system.

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Via standard configuration, it is not possible to achive this requirement.  You have to try with MV45AFZZ where you can validate VBAP table for sale order reference and quantity.  Tell the logic to your ABAPer and add the logic in the above exit.

G. Lakshmipathi

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Can you please explain how your suggestion will be helpful?

you can validate VBAP table for sale order reference and quantity.


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you can validate VBAP table

Sorry it was a typo error which should have been LIPS.

G. Lakshmipathi

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Return Order should always be created with reference to billing document.  I am not sure, why you were creating a return order with reference to sale order which is wrong approach.  Try having copy control from F2 > RE, test with the same case as you explained here and update on the outcome.

G. Lakshmipathi