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Proposal of manufacturing date while using CO11N

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Dear all,

On the second screen of CO11N, enter the goods receipt / issue for the production order.

Especially when I enter a batch of items,

the production date is automatically proposed ( If the batch already exists ).

How can I disable this automatic date proposal? (EXIT or BAdI?)

Thank you.

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You have already raise this question before

It standard behavior as per SAP note 1809433 - Date of manufacture of batch is overwritten.

If you want to overwrite standard SAP logic you can use BAdi WORKORDER_GOODSMVT with method like GM_SCREEN_LINE_CHECK with your own logic.

Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Anita,

Thank you for your reply.

But the information in the notes was not what I wanted.

I want to check the screen (Enter Confirmation for Production Order: Goods Movements ),

after exiting the CO11N dialog box.

When I enter a value in the Batch of Goods Movements Overview on that screen, Date of Manuf and SLED are automatically proposed.

I don't want to implement this automatic propose.

0 Kudos

hi kanoseed ,

Please check SAP notes 567522 - Consulting: Dialog box for entering production date/SLED

Best regards

Anita A.