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production order

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how to delete production order permanently


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Here are the steps,

1. Use program PPARCHP1 to activate deletion flag and deletion indicator.

2. Use program PPARCHA1 to archive the process order.(Basis settings should be completed for storage of data before running this program).

3. Use program PPARCHD1 to delete the order from the database.

You can run this program from SE38 or using background scheduling using SM36.

<b>Caution: There is NO Mass Transaction for Revoking deletion flag and deletion indicator once set. Deletion flag atleast can be revoked manually one by one in the change mode of the order, there is absoultely no option to revoke Deletion indicator.</b>



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You have to archive the production order thru tcode co78.



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You can also use transaction SARA. Then you have to insert archiving object PP_ORDER for production orders and PR_ORDERS for process orders.

See also SAP notes 540834, it's the FAQ note about archiving.



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hi karunakar

you cannot delete the production order directly

The reorganization of orders is divided into three steps in the R/3 System:

Activation of a deletion flag in the order

Activation of a deletion indicator in the order

Execute an archiving session

Orders that have already been archived can be displayed again in the R/3 System using a fourth step, called the retrieval function.

An order can only be archived after a deletion flag has been activated for it, either manually, or automatically (in other words, via a background report). After an initial residence time has passed, the orders that have been flagged for deletion are assigned with deletion indicators in a background run. After a second residence time has passed the orders are archived and simultaneously deleted from the database

