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Production Order with reference to Sale Order.

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The scenario im working on is qty contract. we create a qty contract and then create release orders as and when we get the requirement from the customer. Its a make to order scenario. So once the release order is created with ref to the qty contract, we do an mrp run using md02/md50. Then we create a prod order in Co07/Co08, the prod order is taking the qty contarct as ref instead of the release order(std sale order). When i give the sale order number in co07, the system is throwing an error "Account assignment cannot be carried out because of different origin number".

The details of the error is as follows:


"The sales doc (release order) to which you want to refer is based on sales doc xxxxx (qty contract). Thesefore the settlemet and possible the inventory management are carried out using the number of the preceding document


Enter the doc and item number of the preceding doc(qty contarct).

But i want the productio order to be created with ref to the sale order(release order) only.

Please help me with a suitable solution. Also let me know where the assignment is made.



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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Chintan,

I created an Inquiry, Quotation and a Sales order.

I modified the schedule lines (changed dates and quantities) for the sales order.

Then I created production order using Co08.

Still I get the same error.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Madhu,

In Make-to-Order, the reference Sales document will be the first document in the sequence where schedule lines are created.

In your case pls check, with which reference document you have prepared the contract.

In Co07, You need to take first document no. in the sequence in which schedule lines are created.

Following example will make you very clear.

Suppose Sales documents are created in following sequence

1) S. Inquiry (Schedule lines created)> S.Quotation > S.Order

For MPS run, I have to supply S.Inquiry no instead of S.Order

2) S. Inquiry (Schedule lines created)> S.Quotation (Schedulines Modified) > S.Order

For MPS run, I have to supply S.Quotation no instead of S.Order, S.Inquiry

3) S. Inquiry (Schedule lines created)> S.Quotation > S.Order (Schedulines Modified)

For MPS run, I have to supply S.Order no instead of S.Inquiry, S.Quotation.

Rewards if it is useful to you.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Chintan

The qty contract was created without any reference doc. And thw qty contract doesnt have schedulelines aswell. So i dont understand why the qty contract is taken as reference.


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Is your Message no. V1134 ?

Of course, if it is a special stock, you need to assign the respective sold to party

search the relevent OSS notes on it?

