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Product Compliance / Who is the "Supplier"? (Goods Supplier ? Supplier ? other role ?)

Active Contributor


in the new SAP software "Product Compliance" (reference:

we can perform a "supplier check". Based on online help: it is not clear: who is the "supplier"? The "goods supplier"? The "supplier"? in a nutshell: which "business partner role" as part of the purchasing process is used here?

From functional perspective: i would assume the "Supplier". From "Legal perspective": the goods supplier.

Only by determing e.g. the country of the "Supplier" and more data the software could determine the relevant regulations.

Or is there a "customizing option" which we can use to define the "supplier"?


PS: According to "online help". For the "SAP SD process" the role "Ship to" is used only as part of the software; so i would assume that for SAP MM process (purchasing part) the "good supplier" is used. But this is not clearly stated in the "online help"

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Hi Christoph,

Thanks for this good question.
For the supplier check the system uses the supplier derived from the vendor-field in the purchase order (independent from the business partner roles and sub-roles).

Best regards

Active Contributor

Hello If I read your answer: in EKKO we have a field called LIFNR; I assume you referring to this field and the content of this field.

If this field is used: please extend the SAP docu. I would have assumed that only the "goods supplier" is checked.

Thanks for you answer



Hi Christoph,

thanks for the fast response - and yes your interpretation is correct.
Thanks also for the suggestion for improvement for the documentation.
