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Procurement from Other Plant

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Hello Gurus,

Need your expert advice or Docs if any

Need advice on E2E sceanrio on this scenario in details

(a)Plant A recvs Sales order from Customer . However after MRP run this requiremenmt is passed on to Plant B (in same Co Code) through Special procurement key

(b) Plant B also recvs the Compoenets required for this Production from Plant A ( How is this done with reference???   because Plant B is not maintaining inventory)

(c) After Production completion in Plant B, (2 options supply back to ordering plant or Supply to customer directly)

Inter Plant scenario in PP

(d) Any other settings for this relation ship ,Movement type. I tried researching on web , but still not clear

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Since you're not maintaining any stock in Plant B for components you need to make the following setting in your special procurement key in tcode OMD9, so in the following case system will consider stock from only Plant A (1100). Put this special procurement key in all the components of the BOM.

In the following

Plant A = 1100

Plant B = 1000

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Hello ALL Gurus,

Thankyou for all this advice.

This question is answered.

I have one more question which I am going to post separately --It is Stock Transfer with PLANt A having Configurable BOM  and Plant B having simple Multilevel Boms