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Problem with a condition appearing twice in the price analysis.


I have a ZESP condition that has a calculation formula as it only needs to be determined for certain PO.

The scheme is


However, when I save an order, the condition is determined even though it should not be, and if I show the price analysis the condition appears twice, the first time it appears it indicates that the condition is ignored (that is formula 999  works correctly) and another record saying that yes he has found the condition (without condition record). 





If I make an "Update Prices" on the PO


the condition is determined correctly and stops appearing.
It also works if I remove the info record number from the PO item.

Can somebody help me.




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Have you use custom access sequence for that condition type? why you are using requirement instead off access sequence ?

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An access sequence was not used for the condition. The condition must be determined when the supplier's country is from the EEC and the destination country of the merchandise is Spain. That is why it was done with a calculation formula. I think the problem is due to the fact that when the condition was set, for a couple of months it did not perform the calculation correctly. I think that now when an order is saved when determining the price, since the info record does not have a price indicated, it looks for the price in the last purchase order recorded in the info record, and this turns out to be an order that was recorded incorrectly, and It seems that both the PB00 and the ZESP condition of said order are brought. Is this how pricing works when the last order information is brought in? Are all its conditions brought from that last order? I thought that only the PB00 condition was brought.