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Problem in PT in payroll !!!!

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Hello Experts,

I m getting wrong value of PT in my payslip. It is not coming as per the std. slab in config. for some of the employees.

I m doing for Maharashtra PT. From my side i have checked every this but still i m facing this problem.

Kindly suggest me how to solve this.



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PL check the 512w_d for all the wagetypes cumulation as you were telling there is 25 rupees difference

for somewagetypes you might have missed ticking cumm class 18 (ptax basis ) or

should be revised PT for maharastra check the resent note release for the Maharastra Ptax


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Professional Tax slabs for Maharashtra revised

Donot exceed Rs.5000 Nil

Exceed Rs.5000 but not exceed Rs.10000 175Rs

Exceeds Rs.10000 200Rs

Or maybe accounts department can help u out for the slabs.

Thanks and Regards

Jaydeep Jadhav

Active Participant
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Hi Rashmi

what is PT?

if it is related with tax amount calculation..

in your country, what is tax element that might differentiate the calculation?

for example: in indonesia, the tax element that will differentiate tax calculation is the status of the employee (male, female) (married, unmarried) (number of dependents).. (using personal tax number vs company tax number), tax regulation updated..


you can check all of the related tax elements to study your case.

all d best..

best regards,

dhenny muliawaty (pei pei)

Former Member
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Try this out

Check the following using sm30

1.V_7IN0P_PTX - Check PA and PSA grouping and check for the

correct Ptax grouping

2.V_T7INP4 check for the MH01 slab and ensure correct

then run the payroll

with regards


Keep sharing and learning

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thanks partha for ur reply.

I have checked that but still i m getting wrong value.

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check PT tax grouping for ur PSA since it is comeing for some employees

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thanks sikindar for ur reply.

There is no problem in grouping , it is ok.

Kindly suggest where i m doing wrong.



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Wrong value means can you elobarate

For his Gross salary how much he is eligible for the PTAX ???

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for some employees whose gross sal is Rs. 12,000 it should deduct Rs200 as pt, but its deducting Rs. 175, such type of problem i m getting even though i corrected the slab also.

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Make sure that the cumulation Classes for PTAX is being Checked for the respective Wage Types

if he is eligible for 200Rs and System is caluculateing 175Rs so there might be porblem in the Ptax Grouping and slab rates

Check it slowly

Compare your Slab rates with gross salary and check PTAX is getting Caluculated or not as per Ranges