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Printing - Default Print Format

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear all,

Is it possible to default the page format for a particular printer for all the users?

If so, please provide on the steps.

Thank you in advance!

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I think yes it is possible by using the smart forms...You can get developed the new smart form(FOr the format you want) and can give the its linkage to the message schema...and check its testing with the NACE....By this the default may be your form.....

But i think you have to use SMART FORMS...

Take help of ABAP consultant...



Former Member
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In this case you 'll need to discuss with basis team about spool admintration.maybe its possible.

So This is just suggestion, You may check to tcode SPAD , enter the printer id/ouput device,then check for the tray info ,there's a page format and if you press F1,there's a parameter id.