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Hi All,

What is the importance/significance of release status and dynamic field check in condition table/condition record?Also which T code is used to create a link between processing status and release status.Please be clear and crisp.


Rishi Balani

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1. Dynamic field check

When maintaining condition records , you can check all of the fields for valid values. If there is a text table for the individual values, these texts can be determined for theindividual values. Some fields in the system are purposely not checked however, because it isnot necessary (for example, the fields product hierarchy and document number are not checked in the system). The check can be done using value tables or fixed values in the SAP dictionary. The special check available before, for example, from the customer or product remains unchanged. This is a dynamic field check because customer specific fields are automatically included in the check. For checking customer-specific fields the fields must be available in the communication structure KOMG and the value tables or fixed values must be maintained in the SAP dictionary.

2. Release procedure

You can use a release procedure, which allows you, for example, to create condition records purely for planning purposes, which are then only taken into consideration after a pricing release.For this release procedure, you can use the processing and release statuses. You are free to define and use a processing status, although the release status can not be maintained by you directly but results indirectly from your assignment to a processing status.

Release Status

You can only set a processing status using assignment and selection of a processing status. The following statuses are currently defined:

- released

- blocked

- released for price simulation (this means the creation of a net price list using the report SDNETPR0)

released for planning (this means planning in CO-PA) and price simulation

If several condition records are found at the access with different release statuses, the

following priorities apply:

Pricing: only for the release status released

Simulation:first released for simulation, then released for planning and simulation, then released

Planning: released for planning and simulation, then released



Former Member
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Hi Jude,

I don't need the lines which are written in SAP library.I would appreciate if you can give the clarity in a layman language/Significance if possible about Dynamic Field check and Release status.


Rishi Balani