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posting only possible in periods 2018/08 and 2018/07 in company code

0 Kudos

Dear Everyone ....

While Create Goods Receipts using Tcode MIGO.....I am getting Error as below

"posting only possible in periods 2018/08 and 2018/07 in company code xxxx"

For This error...

I have checked Fiscal Year Variants (Tcode OB29) and assign to company code(OB37)

next Created my current periods by using ( Tcode OMSY) and after checked open Periods and closed periods by (OB52) checked available periods for my company code Using (Tocde : MMRV) and after i am trying to close the periods using (Tcode MMPV), but its coming error like: incorrect period in control rec. of CoCd xxxx; no conversion

Still trying solve the problem ....but again and again getting same error...

Please suggest anyone ...



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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The open periods in MMRV and OMSY should match. Check which is the open period updated in MMRV and make sure the same is maintained in OMSY as well for your company code.


Sanil Bhandari

0 Kudos

Dear Sanil Sir.,

Periods are same in MMRV as well as OMSY ...

Tcode : MMRV

Company Code : SFCO

Current Period : 08 2018

Previous Period : 07 2018

Last Period in Prev. Period : 12 2018

Tcode : OMSY

SFCO : Shakti Forge Ind. 2018 08 2018 07 2017 12 ABp - Tick



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


Do you follow April to March period or Jan to Dec period as fiscal year? if you follow April to March period, the above error message is telling that you can post only in Oct or Nov 2018. There seems to be mismatch of periods.


Sanil Bhandari

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert


If you land up in a situation where you have closed current period already and you now want to open, than you may not be able to open it again. MMPI is available as a tcode. However it is not recommended. Other option is to look at OSS Note 487381


Sanil Bhandari.

0 Kudos

Dear Sanil Sir.,

Thank you so much to reply ..

As you said absolutely correct, I maintained Fiscal Year Variants

FV Decs No.of Posting No.of Spl

SC ( April to March , 4 Spl) 12 4

Note : i haven't ticked on Year - Depend and calendar year

Periods : Month Day Period Shifts

1 31 10 -1

2 29 11 -1

3 31 12 -1

4 30 1 0

5 31 2 0

6 30 3 0

7 31 4 0

8 31 5 0

9 30 6 0

10 31 7 0

11 30 8 0

12 31 9 0

Please correct the fiscal year variants and Periods or suggest the new fiscal year variants and Periods.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert


Do you have any material or finance postings in your company codes and is it a development /sandbox system? The error is happening because you have maintained the wrong configuration in OMSY. You have maintained in OMSY period 8, which for a fiscal year (april to march) corresponds to calender month nov. So the system is not wrong, but your configuration for OMSY is wrong.Depending on whether you have postings or not in the system and if it is a dev/sandbox system, you can update OMSY correctly. Please do not change this if you have postings in the system. In that case,refer to the OSS Note, I had mentioned in one of my replies. You have to maintain the parameter id in user id to allow back posting in closed period. You must have FI periods open in OB52 as well.

I would not suggest any of the ways I suggested in a production enviornment. In that case, you need to consult SAP Data Transformation team to make updates in Transaction data


Sanil Bhandari

0 Kudos

Dear Sanil Sir,

I have checked Tcode : MMPI

Company Code : SFCO

Company Code : SFCO

Current Period : 08 2018

Previous Period : 07 2018

Here is i got Error Message like ................487381.

Again i go and checked using Transaction Code SE38

Enter program name RMMMINIT

Execute or press F8 function button

Enter your company code (From and To)



0 Kudos

Dear Sanil sir.,

Yes i have created material by using company code ... in material master(MM01) -----> accounting view ----> Current Period 08 2018.

Using Tcode : OB52

SFVA + ZZZZZZZZ 1 2018 12 2019 13 2018 16 2019

SFVA A ZZZZZZZZ 1 2018 12 2019 13 2018 16 2019

Repeat the same for rest of D,K,M,S



Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Active Contributor

Hello jai,

This is not related to MM, you need to check the posting period in FI through transaction code OB52.



Dear Ankur sir...

Using Tcode : OB52

SFVA + ZZZZZZZZ 1 2018 12 2019 13 2018 16 2019

SFVA A ZZZZZZZZ 1 2018 12 2019 13 2018 16 2019

Repeat the same for rest of D,K,M,S



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Yes it will work and please close the thread by selecting correct answer!


0 Kudos

first go for OX18 and remove your assigned plants with your company code and save in your project.

Then go for OMSY and change your year and month ( now editable ) , save in your project.

After changing go for again OX18 and with new entries assign your plant with your company code, save it.

now your problem get solved.

Former Member

Hey worked

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Good Solution