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PLD-"Formula Type Calculation Fields in Repetitive Area"

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Hi there...

I just would like to know if there is a limit as to the number of conditional operations in the repetitive area?

Im currently working on the General Ledger in the Financial Reports. Our client wants to limit the number of decimal places to two for all the output of the print out. After using the Round operator, what happen was all the entries with a 0(zero value) gets 0.00. Since they also dont want this 0.00 to appear, I did try the conditional operator == to test all the entries and replace it with free text with a blank content. It is perfectly working if I'm only testing for 1 column but has problems if I already test another column. I just would like to know if there is a limit as to the number of conditional operations in the repetitive area?

Thanks in advance...

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Just want to share how we were able to solve this problem. My companion(Ryan Megallen a.k.a. Bogs ) taught this to me....

since you will be evaluating the contents of the column its necessary that your going to make use of 2 conditional operations to test both the == 0 entries and those entries which is greater than 0.

Consider the following as output on the report



xxx account___343.56_____________ 0.00

yyy account_____0.00____________123.00

The client wants that the output should be:


xxx account___343.56

yyy account_____________________123.00

They doesnt want to make those 0.00 entries appear on there report.

To achieve this you need to test each column twice. The !=0.00 would be link to the field that displays the value other than 0 and the ==0 would be link to the field that simply uses a Free text without a no content.For this to work you will have 4 conditional operator to used.Since we cant control which of those field that we used on the columns will be displayed first.

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Llowen Miraflor

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Could you not use the Suppress Zeroes option in the Format Tab of the fields?

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If I use the suppress zeroes,the output would not be uniform at times when there are entries which are fractional part like 34.56. So if the entry would be 34.00 it will be simply displayed as 34 making it not uniform to the other entries.

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Ohh.. yes - forgot about that... sorry