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Planned order issue in MTO

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Hello Gurus,

We are having MTO scenarios . We have MRP jobs which create the relvant Planned orders for the SO items.

Now issue is in COHV mass conversion of Production orders . Whenever there is a Planned order to be converted whose SO has " CREDIT blocked",then the conversion to production order failes. This results in Failing of entire COHV batch job.So due to few entries about 100 other entries get failed.

So Gurus please suggest how I can filter those PLANNED order which are pegged to an SO which has CREDIT block status . I couldnt find any proper Table for the same.

Once I get a strategy for this , the next challenge is how to incorportae the Logic in batch job.i.e,

(STEp1 : Filter all Planned orders which have SO blocked staus"

STEP 2 : for Normal Planned orders do the Conversion to Production order.



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Check out this note 442716 and let us know if the error occurring is of message type E or A or X?

Because as per the note, if the message type is A or X you cannot prevent COHV from terminating.

If it is type E, then you can prevent the job termination by applying relevant note e.g. 1511502

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Hello Gurus,

Thankyou fro the consultation  ,the NOTEs were indeed USeful. For some reasons this issue is on hold, so I am not able to implement or simulate.Thanks.I will keep note oh this Thread.