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Planned Delivery Cost

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Dear All

In PO I have given Planned delivery cost in condition type ZFQ1 as 100 per ton ,I have assigned Different Vendor for that condition type .

for that PO I have done 10 Goods receipts . in MIRO it showing single entry having quantity of all goods receipts for planned delivery

cost . my client requirement is that in MIRO it should show 10 different line item . So that they can check truck wise .

How to achieve this & why system is showing like , Is there any setting to get details of each Goods Receipts.

please help me on this


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Change the layout (item level) in MIRO to Purchase order - Delivery note or PO history instead of all information and try posting individual invoices for individual receipts. If you choose all information system picks total GR quantity instead of individuals.


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dear Praveen

I tried all the layouts available there but still it is showing single line item for multiple Goods receipts Document for planned delivery cost .

we are having very huge transations per day based .please provide suggestion for the same . is it possible through ABAP development ?

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Hi raghavendra_praveen Is it Possible to post planned delivery cost against Delivery Note, If Yes could you let me know by changing layout it can be carry out or its a enhancement