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PGI (goods issue) before TO/picking

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Is it possible post goods issue before creating and confirming transfer order? I would like work this way. With 916 storage type negative waiting for the transfer order; after confirm the TO the system should move the quantities from the corresponding stock bin to the negative 916.

Currently I receive the messages VL608 and VL609 when I try to post the goods issue before TO.


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We are using IBGI concept (invoice before goods issue). It is important to us billing as soon as possible (when delivery is created, before physical picking). I don't want posting a revenue (invoice) in a month and the cost (goods issue) in the subsequent month. This will cause a problem with the books in the accounting and controlling aspects. So the idea is posting the goods issue just after billing. The physical process will be managed by TO (transfer orders) following the real time of the operation (picking, packing etc.).

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I still cannot understand why you need to issue an official billing document before goods issue. If you just need to have goods issue and billing in the same month this can be achieved with good organization (like more efficient prioritization for picking tasks) and by establishing clear rules. Of course these rules are much easier to follow if there are no dummy documents.

You are concerned about GI and billing in different periods - this is not my core area of expertise but maybe you could consider Revenue Recognition or RAR.

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No, you cannot post goods issue and then pick the outbound delivery.

And you cannot because it is illogical to send goods out of the plant and only after this to start preparing the goods on pallets to be loaded on a truck that has already left the premises with the goods which are not physically in the warehouse.

IMHO it is not a good idea to post goods movements before making sure that the right products with the correct quantities are loaded on the truck.

What is the business process due to which you would like to post goods issue before picking? Maybe there are alternatives which you have not explored yet.

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The billing document is important in order to generate account receivable document and - together with the brazilian legal document - getting money in advance with the banks, for cash flow purposes.

RR or RAR (I did not know these features but they seem the same) would be nice if only account receivable document were enough but we need the legal document (NF-e) too...

Anyways thanks for your time.

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