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Payment method

0 Kudos

Hello,There is a requirement is to override the standard procedure of payment method determination at the time of APP run. Generally, the payment method is picked from the document level if it matches with the parameters mentioned in the APP run overriding the one mentioned at master data level. If no method has been mentioned at document level, then system will compare it with master data and derive it from there if it matches.

However, the request is for a way for the parameters related to payment method be matched with invoice+vendor master or else system should not allow to process the payment. We cannot keep the invoice field blank however because it's required at the time of generating AP reports.

Can you please suggest a way how it can be done?

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Rishav,

Just a quick comment about the standard behavior of the system. The priority to pick the payment Method is (for high to low):

  • Terms of Payment
  • Invoice
  • Master Record

What this means is that if:

  • Master record is the only one maintained it will be the one used in the Automatic Payment
  • If the invoice has a value then it will override the one from the Master Record, and;
  • If there is one in the Terms of Payment it will override the one in the Invoice and Master Record

That said, I tried (unsuccessfully) the following things to see if any of them would support your requirement if the payment term from the Master Record and the Invoice is not matching.

  • Settings in the Master Data to override transactional data – I was not able to find anything standard
  • Validation/Substitution through “Custom Logic” but the Terms of payment field is not available to perform the actions
  • Messages in “Define Message Types for Area M8” SSCUI (ID 102091) – Nothing to check the requirement is available (there is one to validate if the Terms of payment in the invoice is different from the Purchase Order though – message 039, just in case)
  • Field Status group for Reconciliation account for Supplier (21100000) – It’s not possible to remove the Payment method field from the status group.
  • Security – the object to limit the Payment Term to be used is not available in Cloud yet

Even when all my tests where unsuccessful I’m sharing them in case you think some of the options could (partially) support the requirement.

With all the options reviewed I would recommend to set the “Terms of Payment” with the specific “Payment Method” so you have a way to control while the Automatic Payment process is being run.

I hope this helps

Ernesto Cepeda

0 Kudos

Hello Ernesto,

Thank you for such an insightful response exploring all the possibilities. However, we only use a limited number of payment terms and the payment methods used exceeds that number. Also, different payment methods may be used for the same terms of payment. Does it makes sense if we can set up a validation for comparing the method used in the invoice and the master data? Idea is to leave the field blank in the terms of payment' and only validate between the other two?

Best regards,
