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Pass triggers to SP_Transaction Notification

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Hello Experts,

I have a customers with over 25 triggers in his database with SBO 2007, since 8.8 don't do triggers i would like to know, Is there a script to convert or extract all the coding in the trigger to the Transac_Notification, or something similar? I know im probably way over my head here but doing this trigger by trigger is gonna take me about a week, just looking for the easiest way.

Thanx in advance.

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Former Member
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Trigger is not allowed under B1 supporting policy unless their created by SAP or authorized partner. In later case, find them to update.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

transaction notification script of 2007 version workd in 8.8, check transaction notification in 8.8 , if it is blank, copy paste 2007 script in 8.8/