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Organizational Reassignment-Data Migration

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Hi Experts,

Our client is carving out a certain unit from its existing company code and setting it under a new company code within the same client . We have decided to do a company code transfer for the set of relevant employees. We would be executing Organizational reassignment action in PA 40 to transfer the employees to the new company code. New PA's , PSA's and cost centers will be created to aid the transfer. Payroll and Time, both are outsourced and there are interfaces built to support both the processes.There will be new positions,org units and new cost centers created for the new company code.The client also has some custom reports.

My question is regarding Data Migration between the two company codes. What would be the data migration objects in this case?  Also ,what will be the order of the loads?

Inputs are Appreciated.


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Essentially you need to determine what data can be created first without being dependent on another object type; then the relationships between different objects.

The order of migration would be as below, after blue print where you define PA, PSA< EG, ESG, etc, then config for PA, PD, time eval, Payroll, etc.

1. PD data -

1.1 OU's, Jobs, Work centers, etc - with HRP1000, 1002, 1003, etc - which are independent of each other

1.2 OU structure - this provides relationships

1.3 Positions under OU's

1.4 Head of OU position

2. FI data like Cost center, G/L account structure, etc

3. CC's - for OU's, and where necessary for positions

4. Employee data

In addition to LSMW, there are several 3rd party s/w tools from vendors like InfoShuttle, etc.

You can google and you'd find a number of hits on this topic - see some below.

SAP HR Data Migration Strategy | SCN

Sap Hcm Consultants: SAP HR DATA MIGRATION

Data migration project checklist - a template for more effective data migration planning — Data Migr...

SAP Data Migration – The Data Migration Plan (Part 2) - DataXstream

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Thanks Jagan! When you say PD data, are we talking about Security. Excuse my ignorance, but why do we need to migrate the authorizations bit?

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PD data means - any data under Organization Mgt.

PA data - for employee data

Security profiles are to be built independently or migrated.  These can be assigned to employees' user id.  I am not sure how you can migrate this info; you may need to discuss with your Security Consultant.