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New Stock Check Behavior in Over-the-Counter Sales: Detailed Information Needed (2411 Update)

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Hello SAP Community,

Regarding the 2411 update, I need detailed information about the new stock availability check functionality in Over-the-Counter Sales. Specifically, this update note states:

'When creating an Over-the-Counter Sales document, the system now checks the requested quantity of selected products against the available stocks at item level. This functionality applies to Over-the-Counter Sales created manually from the UI and web service.

The check validates if the requested quantity of an item in the Over-the-Counter Sales document is greater than the available stock for that item. If one or more items do not have sufficient stock, the respective line items become inconsistent, and the Invoice button is disabled.

If the Available Stocks field displays no value, there is no stock available in the product.'

Could someone please provide:

  1. Detailed step-by-step test procedures (e.g., 1. Open Over-the-Counter Sales work center, 2. Click New button, etc.)
  2. Screenshots showing:
    • How inconsistent line items are displayed
    • The disabled Invoice button state
    • The Available Stocks field display
  3. Information about:
    • How this affects existing processes
    • Any possible workarounds when stock is insufficient
    • Impact on web service implementations

Your detailed insights would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance 

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On December 14, 2024, SAP development team will deploy a fix for the "Available Stock" functionality in Over-the-Counter (OTC) Sales. In the meantime, you must deactivate the prompt: "Do you want to activate the stock availability check for Over the Counter Sales" and check and redetermine all documents by performing the following steps:

  1. Go to the Over-the-Counter Sales work center.
  2. Select the Over-the-Counter Sales view.
  3. Click on the Check button.
  4. Click on the Redetermine All button.
  5. The error message is no longer displayed.
  6. Click on the Save and Close button.
  7. The Over-the-Counter Sales document is consistent and in Status 'To Be Invoiced'. The Invoice button is enabled again.

Please note that SAP note 3516764 does not work correctly.