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Multi level BOM

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Can any one kindly guide me how do to create a Multi-level BOM. I am able to do it for single level and it is working fine, but multi level is not exploding in Sales order. For both the materials BOM is working fine in Sales Order When I tried individually.


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
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hi Dittakavi Srinivas

First let me know is your bom exploding correctly or is it stopping at the last item which is a header of next bom. Please chek the item category of the assignment.


Former Member
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Hi Mahesh,

I will explain you what I have done, so taht you will get idea.

main material is 101(material No)

Subitems for 101 are: 102,103, 104 & 105

102 also has 2 two sub items i.e., 106 & 107

I created material masters for all the items i.e., 101 to 107 and posted stocks and maintained prices individually in VK11.

I created BOM in CS01 seperately for 101 & 102

I changed the Item Category Group for both the main items 101 & 102 from NORM to ERLA and tried creating the Sales Order.

For 101 BOM is exploding correctly in order but for 102 it is not exploding.

If I enter both the materials 101 & 102 as 2 line items then BOM is exploding for both the materials.

Could you correct where is the mistake.


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Hi Srini,

Pls check the Item category configuration for your header material for the following field:

Structure Scope: whether it is A or B...A is for explode single level & B is for explode multi-level bill of material. In your case, it should be maintained as "B"

Hope, this helps!



Former Member
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Hi Siva,

Thank you very much. It worked when I changed the Config of Item Category for the Header Material.

BOM exploded the way I wanted.

Thanks for your valuable guidance.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Srini,

You are most welcome!

By the way, you forgot to mark my post/reply as 'Solved problem".



Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Sir,

Can I do Multi-level BOM for Service Material?

Now, I have 7 material codes. All of these has been created by refer to mat.type 'DIEN-service'. I had created BOM explod same as upper case. When I create sales order, I found error message 'Structure explosion for item xxxxx is not possible'. When I separate input 101 and 102 (as upper case), It work. I try as your suggestion already but the result still be this error message.

Please suggest me to solve it, Thank you very much.

Hansa A.