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Movement type

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Hi Guru's,

How the system determines "movement type" in the delivery with out order reference.

Thanks in advance



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Inorder to get the functionality you had to assign aschedule line category, and in VOV6, this schedule line category

has to have transfer of requirement turned on.

Additionally in OVZI you have to maintain a requirement type to

item category and MRP type. And the "Origin of requirement type"

has to be set to 1.

In OVZH you have to assign a requirements class to requirements type.

In OVZG you have to turn on transfer of requirements.

To see a delivery in MD04, it has to write a requirement record

in VBBE and this depends on the requirements class filled.

This requirements class can be copied from SD order into delivery.

but in your case the delivery is not referencing an order.

Therefore it has to be filled via customizing dependencies.

Additionally there has to be the movement type filled in

the delivery.

Therefore it has to be filled via customizing dependencies:

customizing as described above has to be used to fill

the requirements class. If there was a sales order referenced,

the requirements class is simply copied into the delivery.

Additionally there has to be the movement type filled in

the delivery:

there has to be a movement type found, this is maintained

in schedule line category.

As described above the delivery usually references the

sales order customizing. In OVLK, you can define a "default

order type" which is refernced, but above, you can say, that

no preceding document is required. Then the system will

simulate the "normal" finding of customizing settings even

if you work without order reference.

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When you create delivery documents LO- that do not refer to existing orders, you must provide some of the control criteria that are normally copied from a sales document header into the delivery document.

The default for a "pseudo" order type DL- for deliveries or delivery items that do not refer to an existing order

A delivery document, for example, needs information about which item types,mov types need to be defined.

You can define a pseudo order type in Table TVAK. When you create a delivery that does not refer to an existing order, the system automatically uses the pseudo order type

T.code ovlkDvly doc typeLO (delvy w/o ref), Find the Psedo default order type-DL

For all those delivery docs which are created without ref. to order, DL becomes the default order type. And if u check the determination part,

DL (sales doc type) + DLN (Item cat) + CN (sch. line cat)

In the definition part of, u will find the mov type defined as 601.

Thus the whole process is configured.

reward if helpful

Krishna chaitanya

Former Member
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SM30 - Table View - V_TVEPZ -> Assign schedule line categories

  • First check the Proposed schdule line category (SchLC) - double click on the line item

VOV6 - Maintain the schedule line categories - double click on the line item

  • For example, you can control the default returns movement type.

  • 651 - two steps - with a transfer posting using 453

  • 653 - one steps - direct post to unrestricted used

Control the Transaction Flow (tick to activate the function)

  • transfer of requirement

  • for availability check for sales

  • production allocation active