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Mixed Costing - Multi level - wrong overhead values

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Hello altogether,

my employer wants to enable multi sourcing for assemblies which are produced and purchased at the same time.

To be able to differentiate the values in the accounting and costing I have done the following:

>> We activated the split valuation w/o automatic valutation creation

>> We defined a fixed valuation type for production and purchase and set them as default in the customizing

>> I setup the Mixed costing in the CO-PC-PCP area

>> We setup the procurement alternatives and mixing ratios

>> The costing of the assembly looks fine

>> But the costing of the Finished Good which is using this assembly does not calculate the material overhead correctly because it uses only the root accounting view (val type = blank) to determine the consumption cost element and the valuation class of the root accounting view is set to unfinished good. We only calculate material overhead on cost elements which are referring to raw material valuation classes and roll it up.

=> If I change the valuation class in the root accouting view the complete value not only the purchased portion gets into account of the overhead calculation

I checked the template allocation function and user exit which is used in overhead calculation but I did not found any possibility to get the correct material overhead value except using Additive Costs but this would mean they have to be maintained manually and this is not a serious option.

Have someone of you already dealed with mixed costing on sub-assemblies? How did you manage the material overhead problem?

I am open for nearly everything which could help here.




SAP R/3 6.18 SP 10

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Dear Holger,

did you validate the overhead percentage for particular plant were the CK11N calculations happens ?

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The rates are okay ... and I know why the rates are not taken at the moment if an underlying mixed costing was taken into account. What I am searching for is a solution that the system is not checking the root view but the views of valuation types to determine the consumption cost elements.