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Miro no refernce to PO

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Dear Expert

in SAP 4.5 it was possible to post in Invoice Verification (MR01 or MRHR) without any link to the PO number but just selecting the vendor code, and we was able to select a New Item like GL account or Material in order to post the invoice.

In Miro, in the PO Reference TAB, there is, as Reference Document Category, Vendor but if we input the code vendor, the system search all the documents (Po) for this vendor, so refernce to the PO.

There is a way to post in Miro without refernce to the PO, but just selecting the GL account and the Material TABS?

My explanation is not so clear, sorry, I hope someone can help me!



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Goto SPRO --> Materials Management --> Logistics Invoice Verficiation --> Incoming Invoice --> Activate direct postings to G/L accounts and Material accounts.

After reaching this select the two check boxes one for g/l accoutn and another for material.

Then try to post your invoice in MIRO transaction ,where next to the PO ref tab you will be able to see the g/l account tab and the material tab where you can input as per your requirment and you can process your invoice.



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the Posting to G/L Account Is Active and also Posting to Material Is Active, I see the tabs in Miro, but when I tried to go in one this tab I received this green message:"Enter at least one allocation item with a PO reference, Enter at least one allocation to a purchasing document, so that the system can determine the vendor. To do this, choose the tab page PO reference and enter the document number. At least one purchase order item must be selected for settlement before you can post to G/L accounts and material accounts."

It seems the we need to insert the PO number in the PO reference TAB, but we don't have the PO. is it possibile to avoid this message?



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u have to give, po or vendor code or delivery challan.

any one should be ther to post the MIRO.

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i insert the vendor code in the PO reference tab, and then I tried to move in the TAB GL Account for ex, a popup search "Reference to Vendor" is displayed , it seems that the system need to search all the purchasing document related to this vendor. In our case we don’t have the PO for this vendor but we need to post on GL account and Material, but we can not select the other tabs due to the green message, how we can do?



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y cant u post the same with ref. to delivery challan.drop down the list where purchase order/sheduling agreement is return.

there u will find many optuion to book the mIRO

Former Member

Thanks to everybody, I have solved, I need just to insert the vendor in the "Invoicing Party" (header tab details) and then I am able to select the other tabs GL account or Material!



Former Member


1. Select the Vendor instead of Purchase Order / Scheduling agreement.

2. In the layout options select services option

3. Select the yellow arrow icon called as " More allocation criteria " above the letters Layout.

4. Provide your vendor code and the plant ( if required ) check and copy.

5. Then access your G/L tab or Material tab.



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u mean to say u need to have teh material and Gl tab.

then u have to activate the same in SPRo setting.

spro-mm-purchasing-L.invoice verification-incoming excise invoice-activate direct posting for material & GL

Edited by: Suresh Shenoy on Jan 18, 2008 11:25 AM