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Merging of Invoice for delayed item shipping discount fee is not getting applied.

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Hi Gurus,

I have scenario where in while creating a sales order for items shipping fee is charged , whereas when a particular line item

is manual shorted delayed shipping fee is getting charged. and after that we are raising another sales order for FOC orders

where there is no shipping fee concept involved in it. when we are merging and doing delivery for both the orders they are working fine

But when doing invoice(billing) by merging suppose for delayed item shipping fee discount is not getting applied at billing level

what could the reason for seperate orders for billing shipping fee is getting applied , whereas when merging a sale order with FOC that is where issue occuring delayed shipment fee discound has to be applied

Needed your suggestion whether any configuration need to done or else any ABAP program needed to be modified.

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You need to analyze pricing condition determination in your billing document.

Considering that these are custom pricing conditions, item categories, VOFM routines etc. the best approach is to perform the troubleshooting by yourself or with the assistance of a colleague from your local development team.

The first step is pricing analysis from VF01 or VF02 -> check why the condition is not determined or if it is determined but is inactive - check why it is inactive by double-clicking on the condition in the conditions screen. If these steps do not provide some useful hints what can be the problem you can resort to debugging.

Here is an excellent blog on the topic - Pricing Programs and their logic – Help for debugging.

When I have a pricing result that does not seem logical to me, I use the steps described there.

One possible root cause can be certain z-fields that you use for pricing condition determination which are not populated in the way that you expect (but probably you should be able to figure this out in pricing analysis screen and in debugging).