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Matrix cell value update is hide

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I've a empty matrix. I insert new columns and I add same empty row.

I update cell value of the first column...

Private WithEvents matrix0 As SAPbouiCOM.Matrix

            matrix0.Columns.Remove(0) 'Remove #

            Dim oColumn As SAPbouiCOM.Column = matrix0.Columns.Add("N° Doc", SAPbouiCOM.BoFormItemTypes.it_EDIT)

            oColumn.TitleObject.Caption = "N° Doc"

            oColumn.Width = 50

            oColumn.Editable = True

            oColumn.Visible = True

            oColumn = matrix0.Columns.Add("Pos", SAPbouiCOM.BoFormItemTypes.it_EDIT)

            oColumn.TitleObject.Caption = "Pos"

            oColumn.Width = 50

            oColumn.Editable = True

            oColumn.Visible = True



            matrix0.Columns.Item("N° Doc").Cells.Item(1).Specific.value = Form1.dt1.GetValue("docentry", 1)


            matrix0.Columns.Item("N° Doc").Cells.Item(2).Specific.value = Form1.dt1.GetValue("docentry", 1)

[* Form1.dt1.GetValue("docentry", 1) is a correct value for test]


When appears matrix I se the correct value on matrix0.Columns.Item("N° Doc").Cells.Item(2)   but   matrix0.Columns.Item("N° Doc").Cells.Item(1) is hide.

If I click on matrix0.Columns.Item("N° Doc").Cells.Item(1), matrix0.Columns.Item("N° Doc").Cells.Item(2)   value is hide.

I can see only the cell where I do click!!!

How can I see all the value???

Thanks a lot

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Hi Cristiano,

You should bind matrix columns if you want the data.

To display or edit information in a column item, the item must be bound to a data source (UserDataSource or DBDataSource) using the DataBind property.

The DataBind.SetBound method on a column is valid only on the column itself. You cannot get a UI element for a specific -- using Column.Cells.Item(1).Specific -- and call DataBind.SetBound on this object.

The SDK Help Center has more information on how to use the DataBind.SetBound.

You can also check the samples for examples.

Best regards,

Pedro Magueija

View Pedro Magueija's profile on LinkedIn

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Thanks Pedro.

I do it with datatable (update manually) and grid.

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